Blaire Cahn


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Credivalores-Crediservicios S.A.: Chapter 11 Petition

Chapter 11 Petition by Credivalores-Crediservicios S.A., of Colombia, which "was formed in 2003 for the primary purpose of providing payroll deduction loans", filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Mercon Coffee Corporation et al: Chapter 11 Petition

Chapter 11 Petition by Mercon Coffee Corporation, of Coral Gables, Florida, USA; Cisa Export S.A., of the British Virgin Islands; Mercon B.V., of the Netherlands; Mercon Brasil Comercio de Cafe Ltda., of Brazil; Agro International Holding B.V., of Curaçao; Mercapital de Nicaragua, S.A., of Nicaragua; Distribuidora de Granos de Nicaragua, Sociedad Anonima, of Nicaragua; Comercial Internacional de Granos de Honduras, S.A., of Honduras; Mercon Guatemala, S.A., of Guatemala; Mercafe Vietnam Ltd., of the British Virgin Islands, and Comercial Internacional Exportadora, S.A., of Nicaragua, all part of the "Mercon Coffee Group", which was described as "a global, green coffee supplier with the purpose of building a better coffee world", at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.