Collas Crill


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Cabo Pacifico, Inc.: Restoration Application

Application to restore Cabo Pacifico, Inc. in David H. Billion v. Registrar of Corporate Affairs and Financial Services Commission at the British Virgin Islands High Court.

Cabo Beach House, Inc.: Restoration Application

Application to restore Cabo Beach House, Inc. in David H. Billion v. Registrar of Corporate Affairs and Financial Services Commission at the British Virgin Islands High Court.

Celta International Investors SA: Restoration Application

Application to restore Celta International Investors SA in Inversiones Eurocel Limitada v. Registrar of Corporate Affairs and Financial Services Commission at the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission.

Oprah Fund SPC: Petition

Petition In the Matter of Oprah Fund SPC at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Veli Kaariainen et al v. Virginia Pappadakis et al: Order

Order in Veli Markku Juhani Kaariainen, David Upton Tugman, Panagis John Couroussopoulos, and Farouk Abdulla, acting Trustees of the Albany No. 1 Settlement v. Virginia Pappadakis, Antoine Pappadakis, George Alexander Nicolas Pappadakis, Virginia Alexandra Pappadakis, and Antonios Pappadakis, beneficiaries of the Albany No. 1 Settlement; and John Ernest Bryan Scanlan, an original trustee of the Albany No. 1 Settlement, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Veli Kaariainen et al v. Virginia Pappadakis et al: Judgment

Judgment in Veli Markku Juhani Kaariainen, David Upton Tugman, Panagis John Couroussopoulos, and Farouk Abdulla, acting Trustees of the Albany No. 1 Settlement v. Virginia Pappadakis, Antoine Pappadakis, George Alexander Nicolas Pappadakis, Virginia Alexandra Pappadakis, and Antonios Pappadakis, beneficiaries of the Albany No. 1 Settlement; and John Ernest Bryan Scanlan, an original trustee of the Albany No. 1 Settlement, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

ExS Fund (SPC) Ltd.: Petition

Petition to continue the liquidation of ExS Fund (SPC) Ltd. under the supervision of the court at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Niton Fund SPC: Liquidation Petition

Petition to continue the voluntary liquidation of Niton Fund SPC under the supervision of the court at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Oryx Natural Resources: Transfer Order

Order Transferring a case styled 'In the Matter of Oryx Natural Resources (in Official Liquidation)' to the Financial Services Division of the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.