Courtney Lee


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Nevis: Laurencia Isaac-Ramirez (‘$432K Credit Card Rewards Points Theft & Money Laundering’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from PayPal - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Saint Kitts and Nevis - for a criminal investigation into Laurencia Isaac-Ramirez and others on suspicion of theft and money laundering by "fraudulently transferring" more than 36 million rewards points worth $432,000 "to her personal account through the My Rewards Platform" while she was an employee of Caribbean Credit Card Corporation Limited.

Canada: James Grant (‘Crypto Laundering’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from Poloniex LLC, described as "a U.S. based digital asset exchange service offering cryptocurrency wallets to their clients to facilitate the buying, selling and trading of cryptocurrency" - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Canada - for a criminal investigation into James Grant "and his business, Canadian Bitcoins, 8159181 CANADA INC." on suspicion of "laundering the proceeds of crime (money laundering), failing to report/regulatory offenses, and filing false/deceptive tax returns and tax evasion".

Spain: BMO Bank, N.A. (‘Fraud’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from BMO Bank, N.A. - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Spain - for a criminal investigation into "unknown suspects, for swindling".

Portugal: JPMorgan Chase (‘Romance Fraud’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from JPMorgan Chase N.A. - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Portugal - for a criminal investigation into "unknown subject(s) for fraud".

Portugal: Truist Bank (‘Phishing’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from Truist Bank - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Portugal - for a criminal investigation into an "unknown suspect(s) for fraud".

Portugal: Ion Dumitru et al (‘Money Laundering’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from Chase Bank, Bank of America, Corporate America Credit Union, Wells Fargo, Citibank, HSBC Bank USA, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Deutsche Bank - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Portugal - for a criminal investigation into Ion Dumitru, Viorel Ciuraru, Nicu Stefan, and Marian Arcanum for suspected money laundering.