Frank Verderame

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Municipality of Mariana et al v. Wagner Milagres Alves: Discovery Application (England)

Application by the Municipality of Mariana, in Brazil, and "over 600,000 victims of the catastrophic collapse of the Fundão Dam near Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in November 2015" to take discovery from Wagner Milagres Alves for use in legal proceedings in England styled as "fMunicípio de Mariana and Others v BHP Group Plc and BHP Group Limited", filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona.

Municipality of Mariana et al v. Margaret Beck: Discovery Application (England)

Application by Municipality of Mariana, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and "approximately 730,000 individuals, businesses, members of the indigenous and Quilombola communities, municipalities, faith-based organizations and utility companies that have suffered losses and damage because of the collapse of the Fundao Dam in Brazil" to take discovery from Margaret Beck for use in legal proceedings in England "against BHP Group Plc and BHP Group Limited", filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona.