Herman Jones


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Lorne Tritt et al v. 3Commas Technologies OÃœ: Class Action Complaint (‘Crypto Data Breach’)

Class Action Complaint "by Plaintiffs on behalf of themselves and the thousands of similarly situated persons whose cryptocurrency account trading credentials were acquired and/or accessed by unauthorized persons in a data breach (or data breaches) that 3Commas admitted on December 28, 2022" in Lorne Tritt, Bruce Johnson, and Joseph Fishman v. 3Commas Technologies OÜ, described as an Estonia company that "claims to be the largest crypto trading bot platform", at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

George Kattula v. Coinbase Global Inc. et al: Class Action Complaint

Class Action Complaint "on behalf of all Coinbase "wallet" and account holders who have had their accounts breached and incurred losses arising from the unauthorized transfer of assets – including the unauthorized transfer of "crypto" securities listed on Coinbase’s platform without a registration statement, without Coinbase having registered as a broker or dealer, and without Coinbase having registered as a securities exchange" in George Kattula v. Coinbase Global Inc. and Coinbase Inc., described as the operators of "the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States", at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.