Jeffrey Lyons

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Petronas Azerbaijan (Shah Deniz) Sàrl et al v. Bank of America et al: Discovery Application (Luxembourg & Spain)

Application by Petronas Azerbaijan (Shah Deniz) Sàrl and Petronas South Caucasus Sàrl, both of Luxembourg, to take discovery from Bank of America Corporation, Wells Fargo & Company, BankUnited, Inc., TD Group US Holdings LLC, The Clearing House Payments Company, L.L.C., CF Taurus (US) LLC, and Pacific Strategies & Assessments Americas LLC "in aid of certain foreign civil and private criminal proceedings that Petitioners intend to file in Luxembourg and Spain relating to a rogue arbitration proceeding commenced in Spain against the Malaysian government" in which an award for $14.9 billion was entered, filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware.

LM Property Development Ltd. et al v. Electra America Hospitality Group LLC et al: Discovery Application (Bahamas)

Ex Parte Application by LM Property Development Limited, domiciled in the Bahamas, and Mirko Kovats, described as a citizen of Austria who is "an international real estate investor, permanently residing in the Bahamas since 1995", to take discovery from Electra America Hospitality Group LLC, CBRE Group, Inc., and Rothschild & Co US Inc. for use in legal proceedings in the Bahamas "involving the Government of the Bahamas and other private parties relating to Applicants' attempts to purchase lucrative real estate that they could then develop", filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware.