Josiah Knapp


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Valley Forge Casino Resort v. Everett Stern: Default Judgment ($26,832)

Default Judgment for $26,832 in Valley Forge Convention Center Partners LP, trading as Valley Forge Casino Resort v. Everett Stern, who operates a self-described “private intelligence agency” known as Tactical Rabbit, at the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

Valley Forge Casino Resort v. Everett Stern: Complaint (‘$18K Bad Check’)

Complaint alleging the defendant wrote a "bad check" to the plaintiff "in exchange for chips and/or cash, while at the Plaintiff's casino" in Valley Forge Convention Center Partners LP, d.b.a. Valley Forge Casino Resort v. Everett Stern, who operates a "private intelligence agency" known as Tactical Rabbit, at the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.