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Leadenhall Capital Partners LLP et al v. 777 Partners LLC et al: Complaint (‘Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Double-Pledging Fraud’)

Complaint alleging "a years-long pattern of fraud perpetrated on the lenders of hundreds of millions of dollars of debt by a group of entities operating under the domination and control of Defendants Josh Wander, Steven Pasko, and Kenneth King" in Leadenhall Capital Partners LLP, described as "a London-based asset management company which focuses on granting institutional investors access to insurance-related risks", and Leadenhall Life Insurance Linked Investments Fund Plc, described as "an investment company organized as a public limited company under the laws of Ireland" v. Josh Wander, Steven Pasko, Kenneth King, 777 Partners LLC, 600 Partners LLC, SPLCSS III LLC, Signal SML 4 LLC, Insurety Agency Services LLC, Dorchester Receivables II LLC, SuttonPark Capital LLC, Signal Medical Receivables LLC, Insurety Capital LLC, SuttonPark Servicing LLC, Signal Servicing LLC, Insurety Servicing LLC, and Advantage Capital Holdings LLC at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.