Matthew Scarlato

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SEC v. Binance Holdings Ltd. et al: TRO Motion (‘Crypto Fraud’)

SEC's Emergency Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Binance Holdings Ltd., of the Cayman Islands; BAM Trading Services Inc., of Delaware; BAM Management US Holdings Inc., of Delaware, and Changpeng Zhao, described in the complaint as a citizen of Canada residing in Singapore, at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

SEC v. Binance Holdings Ltd. et al: Complaint (‘Crypto Fraud’)

Complaint alleging "Defendants' blatant disregard of the federal securities laws and the investor and market protections these laws provide" in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. Binance Holdings Ltd., of the Cayman Islands; BAM Trading Services Inc., of Delaware; BAM Management US Holdings Inc., of Delaware, and Changpeng Zhao, described as a citizen of Canada residing in Singapore, at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.