Beyond The Blockchain Kool-Aid

Even boxing promoters like the infamous Don King would be envious of the hype surrounding blockchain technology. It will end corruption and more-or-less revolutionize everything, according to the universal sales pitch, and offshore jurisdictions are scrambling for a piece of the action.

Many of the claims, however, have no chance of coming to fruition and appear designed simply to part the gullible from their money.

At The OffshoreAlert Conference in Miami Beach next month, there will be two fact-based sessions that will tell you everything you need to know about the technology, what it can and can’t do, and how it’s being used to commit possibly the biggest fraud in the history of finance.

In a session entitled ‘Beyond The Kool-Aid: Blockchain Reality vs. Fantasy’, digital identity, security, and privacy specialist Steve Wilson will explain why almost everything you read about blockchain is wrong and explain what the technology can potentially be used for and what it can’t. This session should be a must-attend for anyone contemplating becoming involved in anything blockchain-related, whether as an investor, regulator, or innovator.

In a second session entitled ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Great Cryptocurrency Scam’, researchers who have investigated cryptocurrency schemes will discuss finding evidence of wholesale fraud, including Bitcoin price manipulation.

The 17th Annual OffshoreAlert Conference North America on financial intelligence and investigations will take place at the luxury, boutique Miami Beach EDITION hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, on April 28-30.

Details of our agenda, speakers, and other information can be viewed at


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