Human Trafficking


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Italy: Amara Dore

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Italy - for a criminal investigation into Amare Dore and others for suspected participation in a criminal organization engaged in drug trafficking, human trafficking, credit card fraud, and other crimes.

Canada: Mercy Watson

Complaint for the Extradition of Mercy Watson from the USA to Canada to face allegations of human smuggling.

Mexico: Evodio Cruz Olvera

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Mexico into Evodio Cruz Olvera for allegedly arranging for his wife, Yolanda Pina Maldonado, to be smuggled from Mexico to the USA.

Latin America Round-Up: November 25, 2009

BRAZIL Favelas Drugs, guns and gangsIn São João, a favela on the north side of Rio, drug gang look outs perch on rooftops and at other strategic spots overlooking the entry points to the slum, just a few meters from

France: Elie Nahas et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in France into Elie Nahas, Antoine Medawar, Anthony Abdelnour, Antoine EI Khoury, Charbel Chidiac, Sabrina Samari, Eleonore Desberceaux, Sabine Abdelnour, Michael Ofsowitz, a.k.a. Michael Martini; Cornelia Suss and others for suspected involvement in international human trafficking and prostitution, primarily through 'Style Modeling Agency'.

Greece: Crystal Shipping Inc.

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Greece into Arturik Arutunyan, Romeo Zarandia, Igor Borodavkin, Volodymyr Ubogov and Mohamed Salama for allegedly transporting illegal immigrants to Greece on a ship named 'Crystal'.

Mexico: Filiberto Vazquez

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Mexico into Filiberto Vazquez for possible involvement in human trafficking.

Lithuania: Patrick McLaughlin

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into Patrick McLaughlin for alleged involvement in the recruitment of illegal workers to Ireland, Portugal and the USA.

Belgium: Wazir Hussain Khan

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Belgium into Wazir Hussain Khan for alleged money laundering by assisting illegal aliens to obtain employment contrary to Belgium law.