Antigua and Barbuda


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Craig Wright v. Roger Ver: Judgment (‘Defamation’)

Judgment dismissing defendant's application for dismissal of a defamation complaint regarding allegations that "Craig Wright is a liar and a fraud" in Craig Wright, a citizen of Australia described as "a computer scientist and entrepreneur" v. Roger Ver, described as a citizen of Saint Kitts and Nevis residing in Japan and "an angel investor and commentator within the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency industries", at the High Court of Justice of Antigua and Barbuda High Court.

Jack Stroll et al v. Global Bank of Commerce Ltd. et al: Complaint

Complaint for £2.7 million and $9.2 million by depositors claiming they cannot withdraw funds in Jack Stroll, of Antigua, and Neverland Services SA, of Nevis v. Global Bank of Commerce Limited and Brian Stuart-Young, both of Antigua, at the Antigua and Barbuda High Court.

Antigua & Barbuda Supervisory Authority v. Cresswell Overseas SA et al: Judgment (Oct. 2019)

Judgment on Application for Leave to Appeal on a matter of "Great General or Public Importance" regarding the registration of a Brazilian freezing order known as "the Moro Order" in The Supervisory Authority v. Cresswell Overseas SA, of Panama, and Meinl Bank (Antigua) Ltd. regarding the Operation Car Wash investigation in Brazil, filed at the Antigua & Barbuda Court of Appeal.