Saint Kitts and Nevis


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Bank of Nevis International Ltd. et al v. Nevis Financial Services Regulator et al: Judgment (‘Quashing Nevis Regulatory Action’)

Judgment quashing regulatory actions by the Regulator of International Banking in Nevis and Regulator of the Nevis Financial Service Department in Petrodel Investment Advisers (Nevis) Ltd., Michael J. Prest, and Bank of Nevis International Limited v. Regulator of the Nevis Financial Services, Regulator of International Banking, Nevis Island Administration, Heidi-Lynn Sutton, and Phil Jones at the Saint Kitts and Nevis High Court.

St. Kitts & Nevis AG v. Denzil Douglas: Judgment

Judgment disqualifying a former Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis from serving as a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly because he received a diplomatic passport issued by Dominica in The Attorney General of Saint Kitts and Nevis v. Denzil Douglas at the Court of Appeal for Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Tanzania Tanzil v. Lindsay Grant et al: Ruling

Ruling regarding misappropriation, breach of trust, and breach of fiduciary duty in Tanzania Tobing Tanzil, an applicant under a "Citizenship by Investment Programme" v. Lindsay F.P. Grant and Jonel F. H. Powell, partners in the law firm of Grant, Powell & Co., at the High Court of Justice for Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Kevin Huggins v. Eastern Caribbean Central Bank: Judgment

Judgment in Kevin Huggins, described as "a shareholder" of the Bank of Nevis Limited who was removed as a director and chairman of the bank after regulator ECCB determined he was "not a fit and proper person" v. Eastern Caribbean Central Bank at the Saint Kitts and Nevis High Court.

Adam Bilzerian et al v. Terrence Byron et al: ‘Paul Bilzerian Non-Attorney’ Judgment

Judgment regarding the eligibility of Paul Bilzerian, a non-lawyer, to represent his sons, Dan Bilzerian and Adam Bilzerian, in lawsuits at Saints Kitts and Nevis High Court, where they or companies of which Paul Bilzerian is a director are involved in seven lawsuits where the parties are Dan Bilzerian, Adam Bilzerian, Terrence V. Byron, Byron & Byron, Kevin Horstwood, Keyapaha International Ltd., Laura Getz, Robert Getz, Zachary Getz, Victor Doche, Vistas Infinitas International LLC, Saint Christopher Club Condominiums, Saint Christopher Club Condominiums Homeowners Association, First Caribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited, Caribbean Building Systems (St. Kitts) Limited, Stephen First, Corporate Capital (Asia) Limited, Gregory Gilpin-Payne, International Investments & Consulting Ltd., Gerald Lou Weiner, and Kathleen Ann Weiner at Saint Kitts and Nevis High Court.