United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania


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Hungary: Sergey Ivashkevich et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Hungary into Sergey Ivashkevich, Konstantyn Kurhanov, Roman Lotarev and Angelica Artemonova for suspected fraud.

France: Raymond Carey(2)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in France into Raymond Carey for the alleged sexual assault or rape of a minor.

Latvia: A. Smans

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Latvia into Vladislav Ringe for alleged fraud.

Lithuania: Lukas Savulionis – Findings of Fact

Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Certification of Extraditability and Order of Commitment in the matter of the extradition of Lukas Savulionis from the USA to Lithuania to face allegations of robbery.

Poland: Zbigniew Bentyn

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Poland into Zbigniew Bentyn for alleged tax fraud.