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The Cyprus Crisis: Could it Happen in Other OFCs?

This session will look at what caused the crisis, the financial impact on clients of Cyprus' offshore sector, which jurisdictions are likely to benefit from the problems, and whether the debacle could be repeated in other OFCs. Watch NowView Trailer

Inside the Investigation Into OFCs by The ICIJ and The Guardian

The Guardian's Investigations Executive Editor David Leigh will discuss the investigation into OFCs by his newspaper and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which included analyzing over 2.5 million leaked files regarding confidential offshore accounts. Watch Now View Trailer

The Evolution of Man: From Neanderthal to Madoff

Knowing why a fraudster commits fraud is often the most important element in both understanding the fraudulent activity as well as detecting and recovering from fraud. With a focus on the psychopathy and sociopathy behind the behavior of a fraudster, this presentation looks at the primordial personality profile of a fraudster, comparing him to our Neanderthal and Human ancestors, and translates that into more successful returns on the practitioner's investment into the investigation, prosecution and recovery from all forms of fraud Watch Now View Trailer

How to Identify Red Flags In The Offshore World

Fresh from exposing a $180 million fraud perpetrated by Cayman Islands-domiciled Axiom Legal Financing Fund, OffshoreAlert's publisher will show you how easy it is to identify red flags in the offshore world. Watch NowView Trailer

Covert Discovery of Hidden Assets

An open discussion about measures used to surreptitiously (and legally) discover concealed wealth and to attribute it to wrongdoers or wrongdoing. Watch NowView Trailer

The Global Shell Company Experiment: Offshore v. Onshore

Posing as would-be money launderers, corrupt officials, and terrorist financiers in need of anonymous shell companies, academics-turned-investigators approached more than 3,700 corporate service providers that operate in 182 onshore and offshore countries/jurisdictions. In this presentation, one of those investigators will discuss what they discovered. Watch Now View Trailer

Navigating the Regulation Nightmare in Offshore Transactions

This session will arm you with basic tools to make you just a little bit dangerous when discussing international initiatives such as FATCA (including the US, UK and EU versions), AIFMD, EMIR, Dodd Frank, CFTC and a host of other acronyms that are a portent of the new age of borderless regulation. Watch NowView Trailer

Inside Cayman’s Hedge Fund Industry

The Cayman Islands is the world's biggest hedge fund domicile. But what are the risks for sponsors and investors? Watch NowView Trailer

Economic Passports: Trends & Developments

In the wake of Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin renouncing his US citizenship and becoming a citizen of Sinapore, this session will look at the pros and cons - both financial and practical - of taking out an economic passport. Watch NowView Trailer

WATCH: Fraud & Murder in the Bahamas: The Hywel Jones Affair

The brother of murdered British businessman Hywel Jones will discuss the seemingly incompetent and/or corrupt police investigation into both his brother's death and an alleged $20 million fraud by Jones' former business partner, prominent Bahamian Lester Turnquest. This session will look at evidence of corruption in the Bahamas on a wider scale and go into problems that expatriate business people face when living and working in the jurisdiction.  EDITOR'S NOTE: The person who begins asking questions at the 50:16 mark is attorney Colin Callender, Managing Partner of Callenders & Co. law firm in the Bahamas. Although he did not disclose it when asking questions, Mr. Callender's law firm represents Lester Turnquest and, in fact, Lester Turnquest's brother, Stephen Turnquest, is a partner of Callenders & Co.   FREE - Watch Complete Session Now

Dan Reeves: My Experiences Leading the IRS Investigation into Offshore Tax Structures

Prior to his retirement on June 30, 2012, Dan Reeves was at the heart of the IRS' investigations into offshore tax evasion. In this session, Dan will talk about how the IRS developed its offshore programs, difficulties he and his team encountered, and how they overcame obstacles, including jurisdictional issues. Watch NowView Trailer

Evaluating OFCs: Which Are Best and Why?

The Global Financial Centres Index is a ranking of the competitiveness of 77 financial centres based on 26,180 financial centre assessments from an online questionnaire together with over 80 indices. It is compiled and published twice a year by Z/Yen Group with sponsorship from the Qatar Financial Centre Authority. A representative of Z/Yen Group will discuss the quality of various OFCs and how they compare with their on-shore equivalents, based on Z/Yen's research. Watch NowView Trailer

Opening Remarks

An introduction to the conference, its aims and a breakdown of who is in attendance. Watch Now