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Galina Trunina et al v. Peters International (Cayman) Ltd. et al: Writ of Summons

Writ of Summons alleging "a dishonest scheme" in Galina Trunina and 114 other individuals v. Peters International (Cayman) Limited, of the Cayman Islands; Peters International Investment BV, of Curaçao; Promsvyaz Capital BV, of the Netherlands, and Dmitri Ananyev, of Cyprus, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Transworld Payment Solutions U.K. Ltd. v. First Curacao International Bank N.V. et al: Claim Form (‘Dishonest Assistance to VAT Fraud’)

Claim Form in Transworld Payment Solutions U.K. Limited, of London, England, and Stephen Hunt, as Liquidator of Transworld Payment Solutions U.K. Limited v. First Curacao International Bank N.V., of Curaçao, and Johannes Christiaan Martinus Augustinus Maria Deuss, a.k.a. John Deuss, a citizen of the Netherlands residing in Bermuda, at the High Court of Justice of England and Wales.

USA v. David Hu: Criminal Information

Criminal Information alleging investment adviser fraud, securities fraud, and wire fraud involving, inter alia, IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV, of Curaçao; IIG Global Trade Finance Fund Ltd., of the Cayman Islands, and IIG Structured Trade Finance Fund Ltd., of the Cayman Islands, in USA v. David Hu at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

SEC v. David Hu: Complaint

Complaint alleging securities fraud involving, inter alia, funds in Curaçao and the Cayman Islands and a "borrower" in Argentina in U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission v. David Hu at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Lilly Perry et al v. Lopag Trust Reg. et al: Judgment

Judgment in Lea Lilly Perry and Tamar Perry v. Lopag Trust Reg., of Liechtenstein; Private Equity Services (Curaçao) NV, of Curaçao; Fiduciana Verwaltungsanstalt, of Liechtenstein; Gal Greenspoon, Yael Perry, Dan Greenspoon, Ron Greensoon, Ron Greenspoon, Mia Greenspoon, by Hagai Greenspoon, her guardian ad litem, and Admintrust Verwaltungs Anstalt at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Avianca Holdings SA et al: Chapter 11 Petition

Chapter 11 Petition by Avianca Holdings SA, Aero Transporte de Carga Unión, S.A. de C.V., Aeroinversiones de Honduras, S.A., Aerovías del Continente Americano S.A., Avianca Airlease Holdings One Ltd., America Central (Canada) Corp., America Central Corp., AV International Holdco S.A., AV International Holdings S.A., AV International Investments S.A., AV International Ventures S.A., AV Investments One Colombia S.A.S., AV Investments Two Colombia S.A.S., AV Taca International Holdco S.A., Avianca Costa Rica S.A., Avianca Holdings S.A., Avianca Leasing, LLC, Avianca, Inc., Avianca-Ecuador S.A., Aviaservicios, S.A., Aviateca, S.A., Avifreight Holding Mexico, S.A.P.I. de C.V., C.R. Int'l Enterprises, Inc., Grupo Taca Holdings Limited, International Trade Marks Agency Inc., Inversiones del Caribe, S.A., Isleña de Inversiones, S.A. de C.V., Latin Airways Corp., Latin Logistics, LLC, Nicaraguense de Aviación, Sociedad Anónima (Nica, S.A.), Regional Express Américas S.A.S., Ronair N.V., Servicio Terrestre, Aereo y Rampa S.A., Servicios Aeroportuarios Integrados SAI S.A.S., Taca de Honduras, S.A. de C.V., Taca de México, S.A., Taca International Airlines S.A., Taca S.A., Tampa Cargo S.A.S., Technical and Training Services, S.A. de C.V., collectively described as "the second-largest airline group in Latin America", filed at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

BNP Paribas Jersey Trust Corporation Ltd. et al v. Edoarda Crociani et al: Complaint

Petition and Complaint alleging an "illicit scheme" to avoid "a global asset freeze" issued by the Royal Court of Jersey "using a network of shadowy offshore entities and trusts" in BNP Paribas Jersey Trust Corporation Limited, of Jersey, in the Channel Islands, and David Shute, as Liquidator of Twenty-Three Investments Ltd., of the British Virgin Islands v. Edoarda Crociani, described as a resident of Monaco "whose net worth is estimated to be hundreds of millions of dollars"; Apollo Trust, of Anguilla; United Trust (Anguilla) Limited, of Anguilla, and United International Trust NV, of Curaçao, both as Trustees of the Apollo Trust, at the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida.

IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV: Chapter 15 Petition

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in Curaçao by Valerie P. Maria, as the Foreign Representative of IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Hugh Dickson et al v. Chelsea Associates LLC et al: Discovery Application

Application by Hugh Dickson and John Royle, as "Receivers of the sole share of the Cayman Islands based company Britannia Holdings (2006) Limited", to take discovery from Chelsea Associates LLC, CohnReznick LLP, Marcum LLP, RECAP Chelsea Investment, LLC and Albanese Organization Inc. for use in legal proceedings in the Cayman Islands "captioned Lea Lilly Perry and Tamar Perry v. Lopag Trust Reg., Private Equity Services (Curacao) NV, Fiduciana Verwaltungsanstalt, Gal Greenspoon Perry, Yael Perry, Dan Greenspoon, Ron Greenspoon and Mia Greenspoon", filed at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Editor's Note: The underlying case was filed under seal at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands in September, 2017 as part of the Cayman Court's secretly-imposed mass-sealing policy - implemented by Chief Justice Anthony Smellie - that conceals from public view even the existence of many cases involving allegations of impropriety and insolvency against the jurisdiction's foreign-owned companies. More than two years later, the case is still completely sealed in Cayman, despite details being revealed in the U.S.

Hugh Dickson et al v. Michael Jacob: Discovery Application

Application by Hugh Dickson and John Royle, as "Receivers of the sole share of the Cayman Islands based company Britannia Holdings (2006) Limited", to take discovery from Michael Jacob for use in legal proceedings in the Cayman Islands "captioned Lea Lilly Perry and Tamar Perry v. Lopag Trust Reg., Private Equity Services (Curacao) NV, Fiduciana Verwaltungsanstalt, Gal Greenspoon Perry, Yael Perry, Dan Greenspoon, Ron Greenspoon and Mia Greenspoon", filed at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Editor's Note: The underlying case was filed under seal at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands in September, 2017 as part of the Cayman Court's secretly-imposed mass-sealing policy - implemented by Chief Justice Anthony Smellie - that conceals from public view even the existence of many cases involving allegations of impropriety and insolvency against the jurisdiction's foreign-owned companies. More than two years later, the case is still completely sealed in Cayman, despite details being revealed in the U.S.

IIG Global Trade Finance Fund Ltd.: Chapter 15 Petition (Cayman Islands)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in the Cayman Islands by Alexander Lawson and Christopher Kennedy, of Alvarez and Marsal Cayman Islands Ltd., as the Foreign Representatives of IIG Global Trade Finance Fund Ltd. (in Official Liquidation), at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Fairfield Sentry Ltd. et al v. Citco Group Ltd. et al: First Amended Complaint

First Amended Complaint in Fairfield Sentry Limited, Fairfield Sigma Limited, and Fairfield Lambda Limited, all in liquidation, all of the British Virgin Islands v. Citco Global Custody NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Global Custody (NA) NV, of Curaçao; CGC NA, of Curaçao; Citco Banking Corporation NV, of Curaçao; Citco Bank Nederland NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Bank Nederland NV Dublin Branch, of the Netherlands, and Citco Group Limited, of the Cayman Islands, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

US affiliate of Malta bank accused of massive fraud by SEC

New York-based, Cayman Islands-administered investment adviser International Investment Group LLC, which is affiliated with Malta's IIG Bank, with both owned by a bankrupt fund in Curaçao, committed "a string of frauds to cover up tens of millions of dollars in losses", the SEC has alleged.

Girobank NV et al v. IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV et al: Notice of Bankruptcy

Letter notifying the Court that IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV has been petitioned into bankruptcy in Curaçao by three Ireland investment funds in Girobank NV and Girobank International NV, both of Curaçao v. IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV, of Curaçao; IIG Capital LLC, of New York, and The International Investment Group LLC, of New Jersey, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York.

Curtis Dalton: Sanctions

Findings and Sanctions by the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission regarding Curtis Dalton, of Massachusetts, d.b.a. Binary International, a binary options trader who "did business pursuant to an agreement with a British Virgin Islands company located in Cyprus".

NN2 Newco Ltd.: Chapter 15 Petition (England)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in England and Wales by Jane Moriarty, as the Foreign Representative of NN2 Newco Limited, an indirect subsidiary of Nyrstar N.V., of Belgium and Switzerland, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Girobank NV et al v. David Hu et al: Amended Complaint

Amended Complaint alleging fraud in Girobank N.V. and Girobank International N.V., both of Curaçao, v. David Hu, of New Jersey; Martin Silver, of New Jersey; The International Investment Group LLC, of New Jersey; TOF Cayman SPV, of the Cayman Islands; IIG TOF B.V., of the Netherlands; TOF Management Foundation, of Curaçao; The Venezuela Recovery Fund N.V., of Curaçao; IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd., of Malta; Trade Finance Partners Ltd. S.A., of Panama, formerly of the British Virgin Islands, and Trade Finance Funding I Ltd., of the Cayman Islands, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York County.

Girobank NV et al v. David Hu et al: Motion to Dismiss

Notice of Motion to Dismiss Complaint by The International Investment Group LLC, David Hu, and Martin Silver in Girobank N.V. and Girobank International N.V., both of Curaçao, v. David Hu, of New Jersey; Martin Silver, of New Jersey; The International Investment Group LLC, of New Jersey; TOF Cayman SPV, of the Cayman Islands; IIG TOF B.V., of the Netherlands; TOF Management Foundation, of Curaçao; The Venezuela Recovery Fund N.V., of Curaçao; IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd., of Malta; Trade Finance Partners Ltd. S.A., of Panama, formerly of the British Virgin Islands, and Trade Finance Funding I Ltd., of the Cayman Islands, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York County.

Fairfield Sentry Ltd. et al v. Citco Group Ltd. et al: Complaint (Unredacted)

Unredacted Complaint in Fairfield Sentry Limited, Fairfield Sigma Limited, and Fairfield Lambda Limited, all in liquidation, all of the British Virgin Islands, v. Citco Global Custody NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Global Custody (NA) NV, of Curaçao; Citco Fund Services (BVI), of the British Virgin Islands; Citco Fund Services (Europe) BV, of the Netherlands; CGC NA, of Curaçao; Citco Banking Corporation NV, of Curaçao; Citco Bank Nederland NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Bank Nederland NV, Dublin Branch, based in Ireland, and Citco Group Limited, of the Cayman Islands, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Girobank NV et al v. David Hu et al: Complaint

Complaint alleging fraud in Girobank N.V. and Girobank International N.V., both of Curaçao, v. David Hu, of New Jersey; Martin Silver, of New Jersey; The International Investment Group LLC, of New Jersey; TOF Cayman SPV, of the Cayman Islands; IIG TOF B.V., of the Netherlands; TOF Management Foundation, of Curaçao; The Venezuela Recovery Fund N.V., of Curaçao; IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd., of Malta; Trade Finance Partners Ltd. S.A., of Panama, formerly of the British Virgin Islands, and Trade Finance Funding I Ltd., of the Cayman Islands, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York County.

Fairfield Sentry Ltd. et al v. Citco Group Ltd. et al: Motion to Seal

Ex Parte Motion for Order Authorizing the Foreign Representatives to File Complaint in Partially Redacted Form and Unredacted Complaint Under Seal in Fairfield Sentry Limited, Fairfield Sigma Limited, and Fairfield Lambda Limited, all in liquidation, all of the British Virgin Islands, v. Citco Global Custody NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Global Custody (NA) NV, of Curaçao; Citco Fund Services (BVI), of the British Virgin Islands; Citco Fund Services (Europe) BV, of the Netherlands; CGC NA, of Curaçao; Citco Banking Corporation NV, of Curaçao; Citco Bank Nederland NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Bank Nederland NV, Dublin Branch, based in Ireland, and Citco Group Limited, of the Cayman Islands, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Fairfield Sentry Ltd. et al v. Citco Group Ltd. et al: Complaint (Redacted)

Complaint in Fairfield Sentry Limited, Fairfield Sigma Limited, and Fairfield Lambda Limited, all in liquidation, all of the British Virgin Islands, v. Citco Global Custody NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Global Custody (NA) NV, of Curaçao; Citco Fund Services (BVI), of the British Virgin Islands; Citco Fund Services (Europe) BV, of the Netherlands; CGC NA, of Curaçao; Citco Banking Corporation NV, of Curaçao; Citco Bank Nederland NV, of the Netherlands; Citco Bank Nederland NV, Dublin Branch, based in Ireland, and Citco Group Limited, of the Cayman Islands, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Girobank NV et al v. IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV et al: Petition

Petition for an order of attachment in connection with an arbitration in Girobank NV and Girobank International NV, both of Curaçao v. IIG Trade Opportunities Fund NV, of Curaçao; IIG Capital LLC, of New York, and The International Investment Group LLC, of New Jersey, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York.

Firefighters’ Retirement System et al v. Citco Group Ltd. et al: Notice of Appeal

Notice of Appeal by the Plaintiffs against Judgment in Favor of Citco Defendants in New Orleans Firefighters' Pension & Relief Fund, Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Louisiana, and Firefighters' Retirement System v. Citco Group Limited, Citco Fund Services (Cayman Islands) Limited, Citco Technology Management Inc, and Citco Banking Corporation NV at the U. S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana.

Firefighters’ Retirement System et al v. Buddy Fletcher et al: Default Judgment Ruling

Ruling on Motion for Default Judgment Against Alphonse 'Buddy' Fletcher, Jr. and Fletcher Asset Management Inc. in Firefighters' Retirement System, Municipal Employees' Retirement System of Louisiana, and New Orleans Firefighters' Pension & Relief Fund v. Alphonse 'Buddy' Fletcher, Jr., Fletcher Asset Management, Inc., Citco Group Limited, Citco Fund Services (Cayman Islands) Limited, Citco Fund Services (Bermuda) Limited, Citco Fund Services (Suisse) S.A., Citco Fund Services (Europe) B.V., Citco Global Custody N.V., Citco (Canada) Inc., Citco Bank Nederland N.V. Dublin Branch, Citco Banking Corporation N.V., Citco Curacao N.V., Citco (USA) Holdings Inc., Citco Fund Services (SA) Inc., Citco Technology Management, Inc., Denis Kiely, Duhallow Financial Services, LLC, Lisa Alexander, Peter M. Zayfert, Consulting Group Services, LLC, Joe Meals, Grant Thornton International Ltd., and Skadden, Arps, Meagher & Flom, LLP at the U. S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana.

IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd. v. Girobank NV et al: Petition

Petition to stay an arbitration in IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd., of Malta v. Girobank NV and Girobank International NV, both of Curaçao, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York.

Girobank NV et al v. David Hu et al: Summons with Notice

Summons With Notice in Girobank N.V. and Girobank International N.V., both of Curaçao, v. David Hu, of New Jersey; Martin Silver, of New Jersey; The International Investment Group LLC, of New Jersey; TOF Cayman SPV, of the Cayman Islands; IIG TOF B.V., of the Netherlands; TOF Management Foundation, of Curaçao; The Venezuela Recovery Fund N.V., of Curaçao; IIG Bank (Malta) Ltd., of Malta; Trade Finance Partners Ltd. S.A., of Panama, formerly of the British Virgin Islands, and Trade Finance Funding I Ltd., of the Cayman Islands, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York County.

ENNIA Caribe Holding NV: Chapter 15 Petition

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in Curaçao by R.M. Hermans, as the Foreign Representative of ENNIA Caribe Holding NV, EC Holding BV, ENNIA Caribe Leven NV, ENNIA Caribe Zorg NV, ENNIA Caribe Schade NV, and EC Investments BV, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

SPV OSUS Ltd. v. HSBC Holdings Plc et al: Amended Complaint

Amended Complaint in SPV OSUS Ltd. v. HSBC Holdings Plc, HSBC Bank Plc, HSBC Bank USA, NA, HSBC Securities Services (Bermuda) Limited, HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Bermuda) Limited, HSBC Bank Bermuda Limited, HSBC Securities Services (Luxembourg) SA, HSBC Bank (Cayman) Limited, HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA, HSBC Private Ban (Suisse) SA, HSBC Fund Services (Luxembourg) SA, Sonja Kohn, Mario Benbassat, Alberto Benbassat, Stephane Benbassat, 20:20 Medici AG, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, BA Worldwide Fund Management Ltd., UniCredit SpA, Herald Asset Management Limited, Eurovaleur, Inc., Pioneer Alternative Investment Management Limited, Alpha Prime Asset Management Ltd., Regulus Asset Management Limited, Carruba Asset Management Limited, Tereo Trust Company Limited, Genevalor Benbassat et Cie, Hermes Asset Management Limited, Thema Asset Management (Bermuda) Ltd., Thema Asset Management Limited, Equus Asset Management Limited, Equus Asset Management Partners, LP, Aurelia Fund Management Limited, Inter Asset Management Inc., T&M Trusteeship & Management Services SA, GTM Management Services Corp. NV, Aurelia Asset Management Partners, Cape Investment Advisors Limited, Erwin Kohn, and HSBC USA Inc. at The Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York.

Citco Group agrees to pay $26M to settle Buddy Fletcher ‘fraud’ litigation

Hedge fund administrator Citco Group and related parties have agreed to pay $26.25 million to settle litigation brought on behalf of investors in funds domiciled in the Cayman Islands and BVI that Citco sold to fraudster Buddy Fletcher's Fletcher International Group, which then allegedly looted them.

Richcourt Euro Strategies Inc. et al v. Citco Group et al: Motion to Approve Settlement

Motion to Approve Settlement in Soundview Elite Ltd., Soundview Premium, Ltd., Soundview Star Ltd., Elite Designated, Premium Designated and Star Designated, and John Ayres and Martin Trott, as Joint Liquidators of America Alternative Investments Inc., Optima Absolute Return Fund Ltd., Richcourt Allweather B Inc., Richcourt Allweather Fund Inc., Richcourt Composite Inc. and Richcourt Euro Strategies Inc. v. The Citco Group Limited, Citco Fund Services (Cayman Islands) Limited, Citco Fund Services (Europe) B.V., Citco Global Custody (NA) N.V., Citco Banking Corporation N.V., Citco Trading Inc., CFS Company Ltd., CFS Corporation Ltd., Christopher G. Smeets, Ermanno Unternaehrer, Robert A. Voges, Enrico Laddaga, Gabriele Magris, and Yves Bloch at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Bermuda and Curacao funds used to launder $125M fraud proceeds, say police

Offshore funds in Bermuda and Curacao - ADG Absolute Diversified Growth Fund and Enterprise Emerging Markets Fund - were used by fraudsters in India to launder the proceeds of a $125 million investment scam by Bombay Stock Exchange-listed technology firm Geodesic Ltd., according to Mumbai police.

Silvia Juri et al v. Hope Funds SA et al: Liquidation Order

Order in Silvia Juri, Masivos Sociedad Anonima, Maria Teresa Huerta, Ignacio Goncalvez, Andrea Setti, Hernan Costa Silva, Juan Manuel Eiras, Patricia Peterson, and Diego Sarquis v. Hope Funds SA, Marketsite Ltd., and Global Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. at the British Virgin Islands High Court.

Privilege Wealth Notes suspended on Bermuda Stock Exchange

Trading in one of the main fund-raising vehicles for the fraudulently-operated Privilege Wealth investment group has been suspended by the Bermuda Stock Exchange after its Listing Sponsor, Estera Securities, formerly Appleby Securities, apparently resigned.

Privilege Wealth websites go down as chaotic collapse continues

The two main websites for Privilege Wealth's fraudulent investment scheme have gone off-line as the Marbella, Spain-based group continues to collapse in chaos. The group is threatening to bring a "class action" against OffshoreAlert, which it says is "100% liable" for investors' losses, which an insider estimated to be more than $40 million.
Chris Burton

Privilege Wealth suspends redemptions amid shooting & ‘$40m deficit’

Five months after being exposed as a fraud by OffshoreAlert, the Privilege Wealth investment scheme has collapsed, with an insider claiming there is a deficit of more than $40 million. Redemptions to investors have been suspended, Privilege Wealth's main office - a call center in Panama - has closed after the attempted murder of its boss - a fraud fugitive in Spain - and unpaid payroll and the group's registered agent in Gibraltar has resigned.