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Dario Item et al: Regulatory Update

Update by the Labuan Financial Services Authority regarding a lessening of previously-imposed penalties against Dario Item, a London-based, Swiss attorney who serves as Antigua and Barbuda's Ambassador to Spain, Monaco, and Liechtenstein; Andrea Mezzi, a citizen of Italy; Mauro Giacomo Silva, a citizen of Italy; Blue Investment Bank Inc., and Blue Wealth Management Ltd., including the cessation of corporation disqualifications.

Labuan FSA Enforcement Actions: March 2, 2020

Enforcement Actions taken by Labuan Financial Services Authority on Labuan Licensed Entities from December 2015 to February 2020. The latest license revocations concern AbaUnion Limited, Better Place Strategic Investment Ltd.,FinFX Global Markets Limited, Advisers Worldwide (Malaysia) Limited, Opal Automart Pte Ltd., and Asian Trade Investment Bank.

Labuan FSA Enforcement Actions: July 8, 2019

Notification by the Labuan Financial Services Authority of legal action by Dario Item, a London-based Swiss lawyer who serves as Antigua and Barbuda's Ambassador to Spain, Monaco, and Liechtenstein; Andrea Mezzi, a citizen of Italy; Mauro Giacomo Silva, a citizen of Italy; Blue Investment Bank Inc., and Blue Wealth Management Ltd., both of Labuan, challenging regulatory action against them.

‘Remove details of Dario Item’s disqualification’, writes reputation manager

Letter from Ealixir, which claims to be "world leaders in the removal of undesirable web content and links", requesting the removal from OffshoreAlert's website of an enforcement action by the Labuan Financial Services Authority against its client, Dario Item, who, according to his promotional material, is an attorney in Switzerland and, inter alia, the Ambassador for Antigua & Barbuda to Spain, Monaco, and Liechtenstein.

Omega Pinnacle Ltd. et al: Labuan Warning List

Warning List by Labuan Financial Services Authority regarding Omega Pinnacle Ltd., WMS Capital Ltd., Saba Inc., BCI International Plc, Pubel Bedford Capital Limited, GL Speed Limited, Hawthorn Financial Solutions Limited, and Asia Development & Investment Bank Ltd.

Best Re (L) Ltd. et al: Business Restrictions

Notice by the Labuan Financial Services Authority that it has imposed business restrictions on the following licensed entities for non-compliance: Best Re (L) Limited, PAIB Company Limited, Qays Re Global Limited, Saba Capital Inc., Capital Hive Ltd., Makasky Limited, One Capital Group Inc., Bullbell Limited, and IRC Ltd.

HHI Casualty & General Insurance (Labuan) Ltd. et al: Business Restrictions

Notification by the Labuan Financial Services Authority of business restrictions against HHI Casualty & General Insurance (Labuan) Limited, Petchem International Trading Commodity, Careful Line Ltd., Asia Development & Investment Bank Ltd., Quantum Wealth Group Ltd., Cameron Asia Reinsurance Brokers Ltd., EC Trust Labuan Ltd., Asean Union Foundation, Faidzan Hassan, Saba Capital Inc., PI Ltd., and Golden Sunrise Finance Broking Company Limited.

Best Re (L) Limited et al: Business Restrictions

Notification by the Labuan Financial Services Authority of business restrictions against Best Re (L) Limited, Montpelier (Labuan) Ltd., PAIB Company Limited, Qays Re Global Limited, Saba Capital Inc., Capital Hive Ltd., Faramond (Labuan) Ltd., Avangard Asia Pacific Insurance and Reinsurance Company Ltd., and Makasky Limited.

USA v. Tim Leissner: Criminal Complaint

Criminal Complaint in USA v. Tim Leissner concerning 1Malaysia Development Berhad, a.k.a. 1MDB, at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

EC Trust Related Entities: Notification

Notification by the Labuan Financial Services Authority regarding a complaint it field against EC Corporate Services Ltd., Labuan Corporate Services Ltd., Corporate Directors Ltd., Corporate Services Ltd., EC Trustee Services (L) Ltd., Simple Solutions Limited, North Borneo Education Co. Ltd., Peter Kent Searle, and Cornelia Elisabeth Searle at the High Court of Sabah and Sarawak.

Berau Capital Resources Pte Ltd.: Chapter 15 Petition

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in Singapore by Kin Chan, as the Foreign Representative of Berau Capital Resources Pte Ltd., at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

Sen. Carl Levin Letter: Closing 10 Offshore Tax Loopholes

Letter about closing offshore ten tax loopholes from Senator Carl Levin to Senator Harry Reid, Senator Mitch McConnell, Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Jon Kyl, Senator Kent Conrad, Senator Saxby Chambliss, Senator Mark Warner, Senator Mike Crapo, Senator Tom Coburn, Senator Michael Bennet, Senator Mike Johanns, Senator John McCain, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Senator Kelly Ayotte, Honorable Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury; Gene Sperling, Director, National Economic Council, dated October 5, 2012.
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