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Lithuania: James E. Scheel

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into alleged fraud involving a transaction between Lithuanian company Mazeikiu Nafta, represented by James E. Scheel and Thomas A. Schneider, and Eugene Sticco.

Belarus: AG Shloida

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Belarus into SA Dmitriev, AG Shloida, IE Semenov, MN Parkhamovich, EK Matousevich, and customs inspectors identified only by their last names of Sassinovich, Skoroulsky and Nechaev for alleged bribery and customs fraud.

Lithuania seeks information about Unicum Trade for human smuggling investigation

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into people smuggling - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Lithuania - that was filed at federal court in the USA on August 22, 2003. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Patrick McLaughlin, Lagos B, Webcross LLC, and Unicum Trade LLC.

Lithuania seeks information about Delaware-domiciled Burlington Distribution Service

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged money laundering - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Lithuania - that was filed at federal court in the USA on January 20, 2004. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include James William Grassick, Burlington Distribution Service, LLC, JSC Liteurofoto, JC Daisotra, Arturas Aleksiunas, and Irena Jaksoniene.

Lithuania: James William Grassick

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into James William Grassick and others for alleged money laundering involving Burlington Distribution Service LLC.

Lithuania: Saulius Mickevicius

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation n Lithuania into Saulius Mickevicius for allegedly illegally acquired and misappropriated property belonging to JSC Vireseta, while he served as director of the company.

Lithuania: Patrick McLaughlin

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into Patrick McLaughlin for alleged involvement in the recruitment of illegal workers to Ireland, Portugal and the USA.

Lithuania: Lukas Savulionis – Findings of Fact

Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Certification of Extraditability and Order of Commitment in the matter of the extradition of Lukas Savulionis from the USA to Lithuania to face allegations of robbery.

Lithuania: Nerijus Ulcinas

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into Nerijus Ulcinas for alleged smuggling.

Poland: Alwick, Ltd.

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Poland - to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into suspected fraud.

Poland: Griffin Trading Company

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Poland into whether a check drawn on a Bank One account held by Charles Schwab and made payable to Griffin Trading Company was fraudulently negotiated and, if so, by whom.

Lithuania: Vincas Valkavickas

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into Vincas Valkavickas who is suspected of participating in theOctober 7-8, 1941 slaughter of Jewish people at the barracks of the former military camp near Svencioneliai in Lithuania.

Lithuania: Vilija Aukstuoliene

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into V. Vaicekauskiene for alleged fraud while service as the Director of the Vilnius City Asylum for Children, which is an orphanage.

Lithuania: Andrej Krivobok et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Lithuania into Andrej Krivobok, Jurij Smirnov, Andrius Milasius, Eduardos Gocentas, Steponas Koncius, Ricardas Valatka, Vladimir Mikulin, Jurij Mingaliov, Vilius Sadauskas, Zigmas Zukas, Alvydas Lauciunas, Raimondas Mitkevicius and Rutenis Jacikevicius for alleged smuggling.