Beneficial Ownership


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OffshoreAlert London

OffshoreAlert London – Our Best-Ever Agenda

Truth and reality will be on display at next week’s OffshoreAlert London conference. Some will like it, some will not, but both will benefit from hearing it. Our eclectic and […]

OffshoreAlert London Conference to Analyze Roman Abramovich’s Offshore Structures

The financial dealings of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, particularly his newly revealed offshore structures, are set to be a key focus at the upcoming OffshoreAlert conference in London. These revelations, part of the 'Cyprus Confidential' investigative project, have shed light on complex financial arrangements involving high-profile individuals.
OffshoreAlert London

How To Uncover Hidden UBOs: Overcoming Flaws in Companies House Search

Researchers search the U.K.'s Companies House databases on a daily basis, either to comply with AML and sanctions regulations or for other purposes, such as due diligence or fraud investigations. Few realize, however, that Companies House's internal search engine doesn't function properly and may cause them to miss crucial information.

The Incredible Story of Arif Naqvi & The Abraaj Group

In this video, we will discuss how the global elite was duped by a capitalist fairytale and shine a light on efforts to clean up global capital flows even as opaque private equity firms amass trillions of dollars and offshore tax havens cast a veil of secrecy which prevents regulators, investors and citizens from understanding what’s really going on in the finance industry.

Be Careful What You Wish For: The Unintended Consequences of UBO Transparency

Public registers of Ultimate Beneficial Owners might make financial crime investigations more difficult and create a new industry of nominee or even fictitious UBOs, as fraudsters bury themselves more deeply behind ever-growing layers of 'straw men'. This session will explore the real-world problems associated unlimited transparency in terms of fighting illegal activity, examine whether the...

Offshore Intelligence: Behind Closed Doors

Investigators and others who specialize in offshore finance will discuss emerging key issues affecting the industry in the areas of transparency, beneficial ownership, products, services, trends, and anything else of importance and significance. The session will be informal and questions

Financial Transparency: A Comparison of Jurisdictions

This session will look at how offshore jurisdictions compare in terms of banking secrecy, recording of beneficial ownership registries for trusts, foundations, and companies, availability to the public of corporate share registers and accounts, anti-money laundering, tax information exchange, international judicial co-operation, and other areas.

Beneficial Ownership Registries: An Update

A look at the pros and cons of having central registries of beneficial owners of offshore companies in offshore financial centers and whether the move towards them has substance or is political hot-air by the U.K. Government.