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Mashreqbank PSC: $100M Fine

Consent Order in which Mashreqbank PSC, of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, agreed to pay a fine of $100 million to the New York State Department of Financial Services for regulatory breaches involving "USD transactions of the Bank relating to Sudan".

AML Training in a Pandemic (Product Demo)

Anti-Money Laundering training becomes critical in a pandemic era, as criminal activity increases during times of economic uncertainty. Without the ability to engage staff in face-to-face, instructor-led training, other training […]

ICIJ’s ‘FinCEN Files’

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists discuss the 'FinCEN Files' in an OffshoreAlert webinar. "The FinCEN Files is a cross-border investigation based on secret documents that exposes how banks and regulators have failed the public by allowing dirty money to flow unchecked around the globe," says the ICIJ. "It shows how politicians, crooks, and tycoons – from Benin to Venezuela to Turkmenistan – profit at the expense of governments and ordinary people." The webinar took place from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm EST on Thursday, September 24th, 2020. Presenters: Ben Hallman, Chief Reporter, ICIJ; Will Fitzgibbon, Investigative Reporter, ICIJ; Karrie Kehoe, Data Journalist, ICIJ

Artificial Intelligence Tools for Asset Recovery & Compliance

This session will look at artificial intelligence tools designed to locate assets, find beneficial owners, identify relationships between individuals and legal entities, help with compliance, and reduce general business risk.

IRS Offshore Compliance & Enforcement Efforts: 2017 and Beyond

This session will look at current and future initiatives in the IRS's ongoing efforts to identify and collect taxes from U.S. taxpayers with undeclared offshore accounts and financial arrangements, as well as the efforts undertaken to prosecute and penalize those that assist such taxpayers.

FATCA: How To Stay Out Of Trouble With The US Government

The session will deal with how individuals and financial institutions can operate within the reporting requirements of the new law, stay away from the mandatory withholding requirements and prevent US investigations and prosecutions.

Understanding the FATCA Risk

An analysis of recent U. S. Department of Justice tax enforcement efforts and predicting future enforcement activity aimed at offshore and Asian financial institutions.

Navigating the Regulation Nightmare in Offshore Transactions

This session will arm you with basic tools to make you just a little bit dangerous when discussing international initiatives such as FATCA (including the US, UK and EU versions), AIFMD, EMIR, Dodd Frank, CFTC and a host of other acronyms that are a portent of the new age of borderless regulation. Watch NowView Trailer