Data Leaks


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    OffshoreAlert Marbella

    ‘Dubai Asset Tracing’ to be analyzed at OffshoreAlert Marbella

    Join us at the upcoming OffshoreAlert Marbella conference for a groundbreaking session: 'Dubai Unlocked: How To Investigate Property Ownership in a Money Launderer's Paradise.' Presented by investigative journalists George Greenwood of The Times and Eiliv Frich Flydal, this session unveils the secrets behind a massive data leak exposing property ownership in Dubai. Discover how the Middle Eastern financial hub has become a haven for those accused of global criminality.
    OffshoreAlert London

    OffshoreAlert London – Our Best-Ever Agenda

    Truth and reality will be on display at next week’s OffshoreAlert London conference. Some will like it, some will not, but both will benefit from hearing it. Our eclectic and […]

    OffshoreAlert London Conference to Analyze Roman Abramovich’s Offshore Structures

    The financial dealings of Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich, particularly his newly revealed offshore structures, are set to be a key focus at the upcoming OffshoreAlert conference in London. These revelations, part of the 'Cyprus Confidential' investigative project, have shed light on complex financial arrangements involving high-profile individuals.
    OffshoreAlert London

    ‘Cyprus Confidential’ session added to OffshoreAlert London

    A series of major investigative news articles from a project known as 'Cyprus Confidential' will be breaking globally this week and, to accommodate this significant development, a session on it has been added to the agenda of next month's OffshoreAlert London conference. December 4-5, Leonardo Royal London St. Paul's, London.
    OffshoreAlert Conference London

    Dubai’s Role in Financial Crime to be analyzed at OffshoreAlert London

    In the wake of Dubai's decision this week not to extradite fugitive British hedge fund trader Sanjay Shah to Denmark to face $1.7 billion tax fraud charges, evidence that the UAE has become a magnet for financial criminals will be analyzed at next month's OffshoreAlert conference in London.

    How to Avoid Becoming the Next ‘Pandora Papers’

    This video examines how bad actors and hostile intelligence gatherers can exploit your online visibility to target your workforce and turn them into human intelligence sources. This is what is commonly referred to as cresting the Insider Threat. We will look at hostile methodology through an offensive lens and how you can mitigate against it. Speaker: Kevin Weekes (ZENRS)

    The ICIJ v. Offshore Finance

    It's fair to say that the offshore corporate services industry feels aggrieved by the work of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. In this video, two representatives of the ICIJ and two offshore representatives will discuss projects such as the 'Panama Papers', 'Paradise Papers', and 'Pandora Papers' and, in particular, whether offshore finance is being treated fairly or unfairly.

    The ICIJ’s ‘Pandora Papers’ Investigation

    The ICIJ will discuss its ‘Pandora Papers’ investigation into financial secrecy during a free OffshoreAlert webinar this Friday. Based on “11.9 million leaked records”, the ICIJ describes the investigation as “the largest in journalism history” and says it “exposes a shadow financial system that benefits the world’s most rich and powerful”.

    ICIJ’s ‘FinCEN Files’

    The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists discuss the 'FinCEN Files' in an OffshoreAlert webinar. "The FinCEN Files is a cross-border investigation based on secret documents that exposes how banks and regulators have failed the public by allowing dirty money to flow unchecked around the globe," says the ICIJ. "It shows how politicians, crooks, and tycoons – from Benin to Venezuela to Turkmenistan – profit at the expense of governments and ordinary people." The webinar took place from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm EST on Thursday, September 24th, 2020. Presenters: Ben Hallman, Chief Reporter, ICIJ; Will Fitzgibbon, Investigative Reporter, ICIJ; Karrie Kehoe, Data Journalist, ICIJ

    Football Leaks: Whistleblower or Thief?

    This session will examine the investigation that exposed the computer hacker behind the huge theft of confidential information from the international football industry and also ask whether, in this era of leaked data, the media and others are now too

    ‘The Panama Papers’: An Analysis

    This session will look at the biggest leak in the history of global finance - 11.5 million records revealing the hitherto hidden offshore financial dealings of over 12 current and former world leaders, including prime ministers of Iceland and Pakistan, the president of Ukraine and the king of Saudi Arabia; 128 additional politicians and public officials around the world, and others.

    Protecting Data in the Era of Hacks & Leaks

    In the wake of the release of 11.5 million hitherto confidential account records known as 'The Panama Papers', which the target, Mossack Fonseca law firm, claims was obtained through hacking, and various other leaks of client information, this session will look at prudent steps to protect your data, whether stored on mobile devices, servers or in other electronic form.

    Inside The UBS & HSBC Leaks

    OffshoreAlert has assembled a panel of the most important people in the history of whistleblowing to take you inside the UBS and HSBC leaks and discuss material issues, including the treatment of whistleblowers by law enforcement and tax collection agencies, how the system can be improved, the extent of global tax evasion and the involvement of the world's major banks.

    Inside the Investigation Into OFCs by The ICIJ and The Guardian

    The Guardian's Investigations Executive Editor David Leigh will discuss the investigation into OFCs by his newspaper and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which included analyzing over 2.5 million leaked files regarding confidential offshore accounts. Watch Now View Trailer