Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Everett Stern: Criminal Docket (‘Disorderly Conduct’)

Criminal Docket regarding a case in which the defendant pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to restitution of $260, an apology letter, community service, and a mental health evaluation in Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Everett Stern, who operates the “private intelligence agency” known as Tactical Rabbit, at the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, Pennsylvania. Editor’s Note: After OffshoreAlert attempted to obtain copies of the filings in this case from Pennsylvania’s Court of Common Pleas, our researcher told us: “The clerk at the CCP said that this case was not available to the public – and she was not authorized to explain why.”

DOCUMENT.PDF File Size: 90.47 KB
October 13, 2023
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Everett Alexander Stern


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