Dear Sir,
In the past I have contacted offshore allert as I noticed some incorrect information and affiliation mentioned on the website that I would like to have altered or removed. Offshore aller refused to do anything, the exact reason I do not have anymore, and I did not push any further.
For many years it has not been an issue what so ever but recently the information provided on the website is used in slanderous activities and blatant lies against me by competitors. Obviously the time has come to correct and, preferably remove, my name from the article to avoid further damages.
The slander is of such an extend that I am in the process of filing a case. The article I am referring to is dating September 6, 2007 and is regarding the activities from Timothy von Kaay.
First of all I would like to point out that I am as much a victim of Von Kaay as the investors and clients he defrauded. I lost significant amounts of money and I resigned the day that I came to the conclusion that he was committing fraud, even paying back salaries and all received from funds he was not supposed to use.
I would like to emphasise that I was not part of the legal structures or any of the financial responsibility. Von Kaay kept this very close to his chest and was all but transparent to his surrounding. The only thing I am guilty of is ignorance being inexperienced and believing his smooth taking. I paid dearly for that.
The history: I came in contact with Von Kaay when I was looking for some offshore products to use and I started to use a card product he was offering. In other words, I was a client at that point in time. While using the product we had several chats regarding transactions and Von Kaay noticed that I was an IT and Operational specialist with skills he could use for building his organisation. I was looking around for opportunities at that time and the salary & benefits; as well as the participation (in the long run) offered was looking ideal so I decided to join him.
Now I know better but much of the ‘stories’ about licences, structures, legalities etc etc Von Kaay was feeding me was mumbo jumbo to me, he created a relationship based upon trust and as such my work was limited to building the online banking platform, sourcing a call center, streamline operational procedures etc etc.
Like mentioned before, I was in no way involved with the investors, structures, money or otherwise. At some point, with an excuse Von Kaay, tricked me in picking up the shares of a financial company in Bishkek as he was not able to do so. Reluctantly I agreed and till date I regret that choice as it costed me dearly. More on that later on.
Von Kaay always claimed to have valid licenses in place and was legally allowed to offer the services as he did. Even when I questioned him about the HRP license pointing out that it will not be accepted by anyone in the financial world as valid he was claiming that it was only required for using the word ‘bank’ but the trust license would cover the activities. Mind you, at first as a trust he was holding accounts with JP Morgan and such a name does sound quite convincing as being reliable.
Von Kaay always claimed to have an office in St. Kitts, even though just small, but was basically running the organisation out of his house in Canada. My address in Belgium was nothing more than my house and has never been used as an office address or company address. I worked out of my house as in Europe there was no office.
The online banking platform has been build and PWTSK started to attract clients on it. At that point in time PWTSK started to loose bank accounts and as such Von Kaay came up with the solution of the Bishkek financial company to support the banking platform but requested me to hold the shares. The lie he used I can not remember but he, unfortunately, convinced me.
After some time the investors started to contact me asking for Von Kaay as they could not reach him anymore. That was the first red flag for me. While talking to them I noticed that Von Kaay was constantly providing false information. The second and more important red flag was when I went to Canada for the marriage of his sister in law. The first time I saw the ‘Canadian office’ and I was shocked with what I encountered. The office was nothing more than a room with massive piles of paperwork that apparently was to be the finalised compliance work for all the transactions and clients. Instead of enjoying the party I worked my ass off to get through the stacks of paper and to get an idea where we stand as I knew that the company in Bishkek was relying on this administration. I came to the conclusion that there was virtually no decent due diligence done, there was a massive gap in the paperwork and what was to be an administration was non-exsisting.
At that point I have started considering my options and to part ways. The final red flag was his remark that he was paying me out of client’s funds but that there was nothing to worry. This was clearly against everything allowed and I parted ways the same day, returning the salaries received that I believed were coming from client’s funds and taking full control over the company he forced upon me.
PWTSK broke down shortly after I left as I was pulling out the Bishkek company to sort matters there and clear my name. At that point in time the Bishkek firm was the core of the banking platform.
It has taken me several months and several trips to Bishkek, negotiating with the authorities, banks and minister to avoid charges of tax fraud and money laundering. In the end they came to the conclusion that I was to blame for ignorance but was not to be charged legally. For all clients that were not able to or refused to provide the proper documentation for transactions it was determined that the transactions were not to be regarded as a financial transaction but commercial. As such the transactions were taxed. In the end I paid more than USD 2 million to the government to clear the company and sort maters. The company was closed down once all was settled.
I can assure you, this was more than a nightmare but I was able to clear my name and the company I owned of any fraud or other legal claims or litigations. Obviously some of the clients were not happy as they lost money, I even received death threats and all, but they were also not complying with administrative requirements so I have no compassion with them.
While sorting the issues in Bishkek I have been contacted by the Canadian authorities regarding the case against Von Kaay as at first they regarded me to be part and parcel of the organisation but they came to the conclusion that I was as much a victim as others and no part of the organisation other than being an employee.
After I had sorted all I have been active in the consulting market in the Middle East and Asia for a long time and have not been active in the offshore or trust markets what so ever.
I sincerely hope that the above clarifies my position and hopefully you will come to the conclusion that the information as seen in Google is damaging. My competitors basically misuses the information to claim that I most likely have doubtful intention as I am associated with criminals who are convicted of financial crimes etc. That together with false claims and lies about the products is enough to make potential clients doubt my intentions.
I have not seen or spoken Von Kaay since we parted ways and it is better if I do not meet him again. My blood still boils if my thoughts go back to that nightmare.
Please regard this contact as a formal cease and desist as the site is misrepresenting my role and is damaging my current activities. I assume that the above is sufficient editorial input to represent my relationship and activities with PWTSK correctly. I am always available to discuss matters further.
Please do not ask for evidence as obviously after such a long time it is nearly impossible to provide it. The only thing I can add is that I have no issue in establishing companies, opening bank accounts with high street banks and as such pass rigorous due diligence processes I would not if I were a criminal or associated with criminals.
Kind regards,
Henri Lechner