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  • Video: Inside the FTX Liquidation: How Offshore & Onshore Insolvency Administrators Reached a Global Settlement

Video: Inside the FTX Liquidation: How Offshore & Onshore Insolvency Administrators Reached a Global Settlement

In this session, the FTX crypto group's onshore and offshore insolvency administrators will discuss the hard-fought battle for jurisdiction between Delaware and The Bahamas and how they eventually overcame their differences, amid costly legal gridlock, to come up with a 'global pooling' settlement. FTX's Onshore CEO, John J. Ray II, and one of FTX's Offshore Liquidators, Bahamas-based Brian Simms KC, will each discuss the battle from their own perspective, go into the complex legal issues, and talk about the path to resolution.


Brian Simms KC (FTX Offshore)

Brian Simms KC (FTX Offshore)

Senior Partner

Lennox Paton

John J. Ray III (FTX Onshore)

John J. Ray III (FTX Onshore)