Inside The UBS & HSBC Leaks

    OffshoreAlert has assembled a panel of the most important people in the history of whistleblowing to take you inside the UBS and HSBC leaks and discuss material issues relevant to the topic, including the treatment of whistleblowers by law enforcement and tax collection agencies, how the system can be improved, the extent of global tax evasion and the involvement of the world's major banks.Our panel includes UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld, HSBC whistleblower Hervé Falciani, the counsel responsible for the modern IRS whistleblower law and award program, Dean Zerbe, who secured a $104 million whistleblower award from the IRS for Mr. Birkenfeld; and the journalist who has been at the forefront of organizing and publishing leaked bank account information, Gerard Ryle, Director of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.Speakers
    • Gerard Ryle, Director, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (Washington, D.C.)
    • Dean Zerbe, Partner, Zerbe, Fingeret, Frank & Jadav (Washington, D.C.)
    • Bradley C. Birkenfeld, UBS Whistleblower (USA)
    • Hervé Falciani, HSBC Whistleblower (France)


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