Kwan Cheung: Chapter 15 Petition (Hong Kong)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in Hong Kong by Vincent Fok and and Daniel Chow, of FTI Consulting, as the Foreign Representatives of Kwan Cheung, a.k.a. Freada Cheung, whose “current whereabouts are unknown” but who “maintains significant ties to Hong Kong, including ownership of real property, equity in Hong Kong-registered companies, Hong Kong bank accounts, and securities firm accounts”, “has also owned or currently owns equity in companies in mainland China, Australia, the U.S., and the Cayman Islands”, and “appears to have established multiple holding companies in the British Virgin Islands”, filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California.

  • 468
    September 18, 2024
    Kwan Cheung
    Daniel Chow, Vincent Fok, FTI Consulting
    Xx Xx Xx
    DGW Kramer, Ronghua Guan