Oleg Firer v. Everett Stern et al: Complaint (‘Defamation’)

Complaint alleging the defendants are “serial conspiracy theorists” who “have embarked on a campaign intended to defame Firer and destroy his life and business/governmental prospects through repeated allegations that Firer is a Russian spy and engaging in unlawful business practices – an allegation with no basis in fact” in Oleg Firer, described as a Ukraine-born citizen of the USA and Grenada, a resident of the USA and Russia, and “Grenada’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Russian Federation” v. Everett Stern and Tactical Rabbit Inc., which “describes itself as a private intelligence agency”, at the Circuit Court for the 11th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida.

DOCUMENT.PDF File Size: 6.34 MB
April 01, 2022
Oleg Firer
Everett Stern, Tactical Rabbit Inc.
Armstrong Teasdale, Michael Sayre


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