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Isabel Asquith

Senior Director

With over seven years’ experience in the legal and investigative sector, Isabel is a leading member of the firm’s asset tracing and recovery team. She has particular experience in supporting high-value investor-state disputes, both in the evidence-gathering and enforcement stages.

Isabel supports multinational corporate groups, HNWIs, sovereign entities and intergovernmental organisations in cross-border asset tracing, fraud and corruption investigations. She provides clients with evidence and support across the lifecycle of complex disputes, from the pre-action stages, through interim relief, and finally in enforcement or settlement strategies.

Isabel’s specialism includes supporting the enforcement of awards granted under ICC, UNCITRAL, and ICSID rules, particularly in relation to bilateral investment treaty claims. She frequently works alongside specialist legal, accounting and communications experts to devise a range of legal and ancillary strategies to realise settlement or payment of high value awards. This includes gathering evidence to support veil piercing, commercial purpose and alter ego arguments, as well as deploying information to secure third-party debt orders, freezing and disclosure orders.

Isabel draws on her work in reputation management to support strategies that combine legal, investigative and communications solutions. Evidence gathered in Isabel’s recent matters have supported legal remedies including §1782 applications, European Preservation Orders, disclosure applications under Cayman and Singapore law, as well as criminal complaints in MENA, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.

Chambers describe Isabel in their global Asset Tracing & Recovery guide 2022 as “brilliant. She is very knowledgeable, practical and detailed.” Isabel has spoken at leading industry conferences and to top-tier firms on asset tracing, freezing unusual assets, and enforcement of sovereign awards.

Prior to joining Raedas, Isabel worked at Schillings Partners, where she worked on international defamation, harassment and judicial review cases. She specialised in gathering evidence to uncover international smear campaigns by means of §1782 and Norwich Pharmacal applications.

All Sessions by Isabel Asquith

Investigating Entities & Locating Assets in Dubai

Wren: Dickens Suite

In recent years, Dubai has emerged a leading international financial center. In this session, our speakers will discuss how to investigate entities and locate assets in the jurisdiction.