Recovering Assets & Enforcing Judgments in China Using Offshore Means

China has historically been a dark hole for US judgment enforcement efforts. New strategies and court rulings have created a new mechanism, using offshore means, to recover money from China. Learn the latest developments, tips, strategies and best practices developed by the industry experts in this area. $10 billion of US investor money was lost when over 100 US listed China companies went dark in the past decade. The SEC has been unable to recoup money from China in any meaningful way. You will learn through a distinguished panel chaired by global asset recovery leader Ed Davis all about the alternative pathway that has been developed through cooperative efforts led by Robert Seiden of The Seiden Group and Confidential Global Investigations and Paul Pretlove of Zolfo Cooper and their work with other practitioners in the US, BVI, Hong Kong and China that has resulted in many millions recovered for investors.  
  • Robert Seiden, President, Confidential Global Investigations (New York)
  • Edward Davis, Founding Shareholder, Sequor Law (Miami)


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