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COE Group Ltd. v. Bright Mountain Group Inc.: Complaint (‘$376K Debt’)

Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim in COE Group Ltd., described as "a company engaged in property development and real estate sales" v. Bright Mountain Group Inc., whose "owner" was identified as "Lynne A. Bui, MD", a resident of the USA, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Coe Group Ltd. v. AIA Group Ltd.: Complaint (‘$490K Debt’)

Writ of Summons & Statement of Claim in Coe Group Ltd., described as "a company engaged in property development and real estate sales" v. AIA Group Ltd., whose "owner" was identified as "Lynne A. Bui, MD", who appears to be a resident of California, USA, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.