‘Remove information or there will be a terrible price to pay,’ writes George Dennison Sprague

Dear Sirs,

The purpose of this letter is to call to your attention the fact that your publication makes reference to my name going back to the year 1996 (18 years ago) are not only wrong-incorrect-false, but are out-dated.

Furthermore, you have not once up-dated any of the information you have published about me which I believe is wrong. Not one word was ever mentioned in your articles that I was the “Plaintiff” and not the “Defendant”.

I am happy to give you the opportunity to meet me in person face-to-face in a location of your choice or contact me by email which ever you prefer.

This letter officially puts you on notice. I am calling to your attention the fact that my name has been placed within a group of cheater, crooks and thieves. My attorney’s position is that it may be a crime for you if you continue your publications. I truly hope you and I do not reach that point.

I don’t want to get into any “fight”. I am too old, bad health and poor to become more involved. I just want my name out of the picture.

I am providing you four attachments for your examination and I truly hope you understand and will avail yourself of what I have sent you in these four attachments.

I have reached a point in my 80 years of life that “enough is enough”.

People keep pointing out to me that you still have your publication running with the accusations against me in your publications many years ago. The damages you have cause me, the (pain and suffering) and loss of income and reputation are extensive, not to mention my wife and son. I need your help to stop this now, please Sir.

It’s time for these matters to come to an end. Too many years of persecution of me and my good name needs to stop so that I can enjoy with some sense of satisfaction that there will be “no more” bad press about me.

There are two options to bring this matter to a prompt conclusion.

Option a) remove the untruthful news articles and there will be no more issues I will have with you. At this point in time, these kinds of articles have no further value to anyone, public or private. They are simply too old.

Option b) If you wish to “fight” this issue and keep your liable [sic] articles about me in your publications and the public domain, you can certainly do so, but there will be a terrible price to pay (yours and mine) of time and money which is completely wasteful and certainly not desired by me. If this must go to “legal” I will have to obtain the services of a public defender. So please Sir, let’s do not do this [sic].

After you read my four attachments, you may contact me and advise me if you are or are not going to remove (all) of your articles about me or if you choose to let them remain.

I will expect the courtesy of your reply as to a yes or no.

Last comment. I am going on 81 years old. I am sick with bad Health (see hospital report attached) and I need peace in my life before I die. I need your help.

Thank you,

George Dennison Sprague Murdaugh



  • mark sprague
    Is there any way you would possibly share attachments/contact information?
    • mm
      David Marchant
      I've just emailed them to you.
  • Kevin Davis
    Can you please send me a copy of the attachments/contact info I also lost a large amount of money to Geogre!
    Thanks a Million
    • mm
      David Marchant
      You can contact me directly via the 'Editorial' email address listed in the 'Contact Us' part of this website.
  • Yvette Lavender Smith
    Is there anyway you could share the attachments. George was my stepfather when he fled the US to Costa Rica.

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