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  • ‘Remove my name’, writes Swiss convicted fraudster & struck-off attorney Matthew Ledvina (again)

‘Remove my name’, writes Swiss convicted fraudster & struck-off attorney Matthew Ledvina (again)

A second letter in two months from Matthew Ledvina, a U.S. tax adviser in Switzerland who pleaded guilty to securities fraud in the USA in 2018 and was struck off as an attorney in England in 2022, requesting the removal of his name from OffshoreAlert’s website, claiming that publication of his misdeeds breaches Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and his “right to be forgotten” and is causing “unwarranted harm to me or my reputation, which is contrary to my legitimate interest in the protection of my privacy”.

DOCUMENT.PDF File Size: 41.35 KB
October 12, 2023


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