Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged tax evasion – pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Russia – that was filed at federal court in the USA on July 29, 2004. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Raduga LLC, Shteller LLC, a.k.a. Schteller LLC; Kontinent-K LLC, a.k.a. Continent K LLC; USA-Sekret LLC, a.k.a. YuSA-Secret LLC; USA-Luks LLC, a.k.a. YuSA-Lux LLC; Astoria Bancorp LC, Barberan Inc., Tong Cong Ty May & Phu Tung Vietnam National Machinery Import-Export Corporation, Mitabr Trading LLC, Kenton Business Corp., Home GmbH, Avtokar S, Stroyvax M, Svetlana Chukova, M. Schmitt, Maxim Gorodetsky, and Nair Shrileh Vishashvaran.
Fraud Russia Tax USAKeywords
Astoria Bancorp LC Avtokar S Barberan Inc. Continent K LLC Home GmbH