Solon Group, Inc. v. Gerti Muho et al: Injunction Order(2)

Injunction Order against Gerti Muho and Leveraged Hawk, Inc. in Solon Group, Inc. v. Alphonse Fletcher, Jr., Gerti Muho, Leveraged Hawk, Inc., America Alternative Investments Inc., Optima Absolute Return Fund Ltd., Richcourt Allweather Fund Inc., Richcourt Allweather B Inc., Richcourt Composite Inc., and Richcourt Euro Strategies Inc. at the British Virgin Islands High Court.

  • Xx Xx Xx
    Julie Engwirda, Richard Evans
    Ogier, Robert Christie, Claire Goldstein
    September 02, 2013
    Richcourt Euro Strategies Inc. , Richcourt Composite Inc., Richcourt Allweather B Inc., Richcourt Allweather Fund Inc., Optima Absolute Return Fund Ltd., America Alternative Investments Inc., Leveraged Hawk, Inc., Gerti Muho, Alphonse Fletcher, Jr.
    Vicki Ann Ellis
    Solon Group, Inc.