A ‘paper’ company registered on the Caribbean island of Nevis has filed a lawsuit in Canada against an insolvent offshore ‘shell’ bank in an effort to recover $1.08 million that it claims to have deposited.
Nevis-domiciled Kachina Inc., formerly Praxis Inc., is seeking a judgment for $1,088,588 against Sterling International Bank Inc., which, according to the complaint, was licensed in Nauru on November 28, 1994 and went into provisional liquidation on September 27, 2000.
Articles Banks & Trusts Canada Featured Fraud Investment Liquidations & Insolvencies Nauru St. Kitts & NevisMay 23, 2003
Banks & Trusts Canada Fraud Investment Liquidations & InsolvenciesKeywords
Bank of Montreal Ethan Day Kachina Inc. Liquidations & Insolvencies Praxis Inc.