405 ACM Ltd. et al v. 51job Inc.: ‘Fair Value’ Petition
Petition to determine the fair value of shares in 51job Inc., described as "a leading provider of integrated human resource services in The People's Republic of China" in 405 ACM Ltd., 405 ACM Global Opportunities Fund, Alpine Partners (BVI) L.P., Athos Asia Event Driven Master Fund, BMSF Sub LP, Boothbay Absolute Return Strategies LP, Boothbay Diversified Alpha Master Fund LP, Church Murray Fund LLC, Corbin ERISA Opportunity Fund Ltd., FMAP AGL Limited, FourWorld Event Opportunities LP, FourWorld Special Opportunities Fund LLC, FourWorld Global Opportunities Fund Ltd., FourWorld Global Strategic Opportunities Fund I LLC, FW Deep Value Opportunities Fund I LLC, Integrated Core Strategies (US) LLC, KL Special Opportunities Master Fund Ltd., Palliser Capital Master Fund Ltd., Pinehurst Partners L.P., Quadre Investments L.P., and QVT Family Office Fund LP at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.