Alan Turner


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Stuart Brankin Profile

Circumference Group removes Stuart Brankin from website after $212M fraud allegation

Stuart Brankin appears to have left Cayman Islands corporate services provider Circumference FS after OffshoreAlert revealed allegations of fraud against one of their clients. All references to Brankin, including his name, photo, and profile, were removed from Circumference's website one day after we reported that Asia Momentum Fund, of which Brankin was a director and to which Circumference provided services, had been accused of swindling Malaysian citizens out of more than $212 million as part of a wider $4.5 billion fraud involving 1MDB.

Nicholas Martin v. Circumference Holdings Ltd.: Winding Up Petition

Winding Up Petition in Nicholas James Martin, of Luxembourg v. Circumference Holdings Ltd., described as "a holding company and corporate parent for the Circumference Group, which is comprised of a number of holding and operating entities engaged in corporate, directorship, trust, fiduciary and accounting services primarily in the Cayman Islands, Luxembourg and The Netherlands", at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Circumference Holdings Ltd. et al v. Nicholas Martin: Amended Complaint

Amended Complaint alleging "fraudulent and dishonest" conduct by Defendant Nicholas Martin regarding an agreement to sell his Luxembourg-based Coficom Trust Sàrl to the Circumference Group in Circumference Investments (Europe) Limited, of England; Circumference (Luxembourg) Sàrl, of Luxembourg, and Circumference Holdings Ltd., of the Cayman Islands v. Nicholas James Martin, of Luxembourg, at the High Court of Justice, England and Wales.

Circumference Holdings Ltd. et al v. Nicholas Martin: Defense

Defense in Circumference Investments (Europe) Limited, of England; Circumference (Luxembourg) Sàrl, of Luxembourg, and Circumference Holdings Ltd., of the Cayman Islands v. Nicholas James Martin, of Luxembourg, at the High Court of Justice, England and Wales.

Circumference Holdings Ltd. et al v. Nicholas Martin: Complaint

Complaint alleging the Circumference Group "was induced" to enter into an agreement to acquire Luxembourg-based Coficom Trust Sàrl by "fraudulent misrepresentations" in Circumference Investments (Europe) Limited, of England; Circumference (Luxembourg) Sàrl, of Luxembourg, and Circumference Holdings Ltd., of the Cayman Islands v. Nicholas James Martin, of Luxembourg, at the High Court of Justice, England and Wales.