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Cayman’s SPI Investment Fund liquidators seek evidence from U.S. loan recipients for investigation into ‘disappearance of $118M’

The liquidators of three insolvent Cayman Islands investment funds who are investigating "the disappearance of monies" from SPI Investment Fund SPC have applied for Chapter 15 bankruptcy recognition in Florida so they can take discovery from representatives of alleged $118 million loan recipients Sinai Holdings and Prudent Group, including Dennis Klemming, Jacob Gitman, and Yulia Kislyuk.

SPI Investment Fund SPC et al: Chapter 15 Petition (Cayman Islands)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in the Cayman Islands by Andrew Morrison, David Griffin, and Iain Gow, of FTI Consulting, as the Foreign Representatives of SPI Investment Fund SPC (in Official Liquidation), and David Griffin and Yvonne Plamondon, of FTI Consulting, as the Foreign Representatives of International Portfolio Allocation Ltd. (in Official Liquidation) and International Capital Allocation Ltd. (in Official Liquidation), filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida.

Irving Picard v. Sonja Kohn et al: Unredacted Amended Complaint

Unredacted Amended Complaint filed by Irving Picard, as Trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, against Sonja Kohn, a.k.a. Sonja Blau, a.k.a. Sinja Kohn, a.k.a. Sinja Blau, a.k.a. Sinja Turk; Erwin Kohn, Netty Blau, Robert Alan Kohn, Rina Hartstein (nee Kohn), Moishe Hartstein, Mordechai Landau, Erko Inc., Palladium Capital Advisors LLC, Windsor IBC Inc., Eurovaleur Inc., Infovaleur Inc., Tecno Development & Research Srl, Mariadelmar Raule, Tecno Development & Research Ltd., Shlomo (Momy) Amselem, Hassans International Law Firm, Herald Asset Management Ltd., Franco Mugnai, Paul de Sury, Daniele Consulich, 20:20 Medici AG, f.k.a. Bank Medici AG, Absolute Portfolio Management Ltd., MediciFinanz Consulting GmbH, Medici Srl, Medici Cayman Island Ltd., Bank Medici AG (Gibraltar), ReviTrust Services Est., Peter Scheithauer, Robert Reuss, Helmuth Frey, Manfred Kastner, Josef Duregger, Andreas Pirkner, Werner Tripolt, Andreas Schindler, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Gerhard Randa, Stefan Zapotocky, Friedrich Kadrnoska, Ursula Radel-Leszczynski, Werner Kretschmer, Wilhelm Hemestberger, Harald Nograsek, Bank Austria Worldwide Fund Management Ltd., Bank Austria Cayman Islands Ltd., UniCredit SpA, Alessandro Profumo, Gianfranco Gutty, Pioneer Global Asset Management SpA, Sofipo Austria GmbH, M-Tech Services GmbH, Brera Servizi Aziendale Srl, Redcrest Investments Inc., Line Group Ltd., Line Management Services Ltd., Line Holdings Ltd., and Herald Consult Ltd. at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.