Anil Ramkay


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Ardent Harmony Fund Inc. v. BDO Trinity Ltd.: Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

Opposition to Defendant's Motion to Dismiss regarding allegations of negligence, professional malpractice, and fraudulent concealment in Ardent Harmony Fund Inc. (in Liquidation), of the Cayman Islands v. BDO Trinity Ltd., a.k.a. BDO Trinidad & Tobago, of Trinidad & Tobago, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York.

Ardent Harmony Fund Inc. v. BDO Trinity Ltd.: Complaint

Complaint attempting to hold the defendant "accountable for its failure to alert Ardent to an egregious fraud" in Ardent Harmony Fund Inc. (in Liquidation), of the Cayman Islands v. BDO Trinity Ltd., d.b.a. BDO Trinidad and Tobago, of Trinidad and Tobago, at the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau.