Arnold Wille


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Igor Olenicoff et al v. UBS AG et al: Ominbus Order Granting UBS Summary Judgment Motion

Ominbus Order Granting UBS' Summary Judgment Motion in Igor Olenicoff and Olen Properties Corp. v. UBS AG, Bradley Birkenfeld, Michael Guignard, Martin Liechti, Raoul Weil, Christian Bovay,  Gilbert Benz, Roger Hartmann, Jacques Beuchat, Peter Kurer, Rene Marty, Neue Bank, AG, Georg Vogt,  Hermann Wille, Paul Buchel, Jost Pilgrim, Willi Wolfinger, Dr. Stephan Laternser, Arnold Wille, New Haven Trust Company Ltd., Mario Staggl, Dr. Jur. Klaus Biedermann, Scott Macaw, Neil Smith, Union Charter, Ltd., David A. Schwedel, Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc., Michael Storey, Timothy Vail, David Eichinger, James Alexander Michie, GM Capital Partners, Ltd., Robert Knight, Knight Financial, Ltd., Marc Angst, Gestrust SA, Martin Hochschorner, Jason Sundar, and Herb Lustig at the U. S. District Court for the Central District of California.

Real estate developer sues offshore bankers for ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ over failed tax planning scheme

A billionaire real estate developer who pleaded guilty last year to willfully filing a false tax return in the United States has filed a civil complaint against his offshore bankers and tax planners in which he claims he was unknowingly drawn into illegal activity.Igor Olenicoff's attorney, William J. King, of Horizon Law Group LLP, in California, told OffshoreAlert that the civil action against UBS AG, Neue Bank, and others in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Denmark, Florida and Texas involved much more than the limited criminal activity that his client previously admitted and said the allegations contained in the civil complaint were "not inconsistent" with his plea agreement in the criminal case, which required Olenicoff to accept full responsibility for his actions.