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Receiver appointed in Canada for assets of Exchange Bank & Trust

The Supreme Court of British Columbia has appointed a Receiver for US$20 million of assets belonging to two offshore banks, their clients and related parties - more than three years after freezing them.Following its appointment on June 16, 2003, KPMG Inc., in Vancouver, Canada, is seeking claimants for the funds, which were frozen in April/May, 2000 as part of an investigation into securities fraud.

Philip Johnston identified as President of offshore firm accused of fraud

Evidence has emerged that the President of a 'paper' offshore securities firm accused of fraud in the United States was attorney Philip W. Johnston, a Canadian who once had a law firm in the Turks & Caicos Islands.Details of Johnston's alleged involvement in TCI-registered Carib Securities Ltd. is contained in a civil lawsuit that is on-going at the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.