Brit UW Ltd.


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Tetragon Financial Group Ltd. et al v. Brit UW Ltd. et al: Consent Order

Order in Tetragon Financial Group Limited and Tetragon Financial Management LP v. Brit UW Ltd. (as sole representative of Lloyd's Syndicate BRT 2987 for the 2010 year of account), Chaucer Syndicates Limited, (representing Lloyd's Syndicate CSL 1084 for the 2010 year of account), and AIG Europe Limited at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

Tetragon Financial Group Ltd. et al v. Brit Uw Ltd. et al: Writ of Summons

Writ of Summons in Tetragon Financial Group Limited and Tetragon Financial Management LP v. Brit Uw Ltd. (as sole representative of Lloyd's Syndicate BRT 2987 for the 2010 Year of Account), Chaucer Syndicates Limited (Representing Lloyd's Syndicate CSL 1084 for the 2010 Year of Account), and AIG Europe Limited at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.