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Brazil: Overland Advisory Services

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Brazil into alleged corruption and bribery involving MetroRED Telecommicacoes Ltda., Overland Advisory Services, Agua Nova Comercio e Servicos Ltda, Caio Fabio D'araujo Filho, Paulo Sergio Rosa, Oscar de Barros, Jose Maria Teixeira Ferraz, Jorge Luiz Frederich Vital, Plinio Guilherme da Silva, Walter Coronado Antunes Filho, Reynaldo Emygdio de Barros and Celso Roberto Pitta.

Latin America Round-Up: October 31, 2001

September 11 side effects on already slowing regional economy The attacks on the United States on September 11th will have profound economic effects, further slowing a world economy already growing at its lowest rate in a decade and speeding up