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Insider Talking: December 8, 2008

US Senator John Kerry intends to look into offshore tax evasion; First Curacao International Bank to "start repatriating" frozen assets; UK Government commissions review of offshore financial centers' Condor Insurance sued in California; and US criminally indicts Raoul Weil, Chairman and CEO of UBS Global Wealth Management and Business Banking and a member of the Swiss bank's Group Executive Board.

Insider Talking: January 4, 2008

A public hearing is scheduled to be held before the Colorado Banking Board on January 17, 2008 at which a challenge will be heard to the "emergency order of involuntary liquidation and order for possession" that were entered by the Board on November 19, 2007 against the state's sole remaining offshore bank, American Intercapital Holding LLC., d.b.a. American Intercapital Depository & Trust, f.k.a. American International Depository & Trust; Grenada Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, along with his wife, Marietta Mitchell, was dismissed as a defendant in a civil action at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York on December 5, 2007 after all parties agreed that he is entitled to "head-of-state immunity"; Visitors to the "Warnings" page of a web-site operated by the Nevis Financial Services Regulation & Supervision Department will no longer see a warning that the regulatory agency issued on October 19, 2007 against Global Consultants and Services (Nevis) Limited; and The legal validity of Condor Insurance Limited's Amory-assisted continuance from St. Kitts to Nevis was challenged by Condor's principal, Harvey Milam, in a filing at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Mississippi on December 21, 2007.

Nevis-domiciled Condor Insurance goes into liquidation

Condor Insurance Ltd. went into liquidation at the High Court of St. Kitts and Nevis on May 18 following a petition by New York Stock Exchange-listed Infineon Technologies AG, which is registered in Germany.Richard Fogerty, of Kroll (Cayman) Limited, and William Tycon, of Kroll (BVI) Limited, were appointed joint official liquidators. Another creditor, Pro Med Reinsurance Limited, which, like Condor, is incorporated in Nevis, was granted permission to appear in the liquidation.

Insider Talking: March 9, 2007

The web-sites of two companies whose dubious activities have been highlighted in recent editions of OffshoreAlert have been dismantled over the last few weeks; On February 12, 2007, OffshoreAlert received an email from Kristen Lawson, a “Legislative Advisor” with Miller Thomson LLP, a law firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Telecommunications and cable television firms in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands have been dragged into a long-running legal dispute over the ownership of a $900,000 airplane that was damaged in Hurricane Ivan; Under Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, Grenada has become the poster country for corruption and banking fraud; OffshoreAlert recently learned that U. S. Bank N.A. obtained a default judgment for $21 million against British-based alleged fraudster Sendjer Shefket and his British firm Target International Funds Ltd. at federal court in the USA on May 24, 2006; Convicted white-collar criminals who believe they are punished too severely in the United States should be thankful they don't operate in China; and While the U. S. legal system does not yet offer death as a punishment for fraudsters, it is still less than hospitable for convicted white-collar criminals, as Martin A. Armstrong can attest to.

German creditor seeks to wind-up Condor Insurance

A New York Stock Exchange-listed creditor is attempting to wind-up a Nevis-licensed offshore insurer that cannot pay its debts despite having an audit that shows shareholders' equity of over US$250 million.Infineon Technologies AG, which is incorporated in Germany, filed an action at the St. Kitts & Nevis High Court on August 30, 2006 in which it is seeking the court's permission to present a winding-up petition against Condor Insurance Limited, which is controlled by Harvey Thompson Milam and his wife, Joycelyn T. Milam, of Ocean Springs, Mississippi.

Insider Talking: March 31, 2003

A United States law firm accused of lining its own pockets by cutting an illegal deal with a telemarketing fraudster to the detriment of one of its clients - an asset recovery firm - has been ordered by a court to produce all of its financial statements and tax returns from 2000 to the present; Three men who were accused of kidnapping an offshore investment fraudster in Kingston, Ontario, Canada in 2001 have pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of common assault; David Ballantyne, who became one of the most despised people in the Cayman Islands, finally agreed to resign as Attorney General, effective March 15, 2003, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Euro Bank money laundering trial; A letter to the editor that was published in the Caymanian Compass on February 26, 2003 spoke volumes for the level of animosity among locals towards the people widely believed to be primarily responsible for the Euro Bank fiasco, which is likely to cost Cayman's taxpayers many millions of dollars in legal fees, costs and damages; Bermuda company director Paul Lemmon has been sentenced to 21 months in prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to defraud the United States; A dispute involving two offshore entities and two Canadian firms has arisen over the rights to the domain name ''; Thirteen days after OffshoreAlert's article last month about a lawsuit filed at federal court in Miami by Florida-registered Growth Fund Partnership Inc. against Nevis-registered Condor Insurance Ltd., both of whose operations raise red flags, the action was dismissed with prejudice; Three firms have been ordered to pay tens of millions of dollars of restitution for their part in a massive investment fraud; Florida-based crook Rommy Kriplani, who specializes in ripping off residents of Third World countries by taking their money on the promise of jobs in the United States that never materialize, is at it again, once more in partnership with his favorite law firm of Spiegel & Utrera, of Coral Gables, Florida; and James Michael Dwyer, who until last year owned the White Sands Hotel in Bermuda, was criminally indicted for bank fraud on March 4, 2003 in his native New Jersey.

Dubious offshore insurer sued by unregulated ‘$9 billion’ US investment fund

An unregulated investment fund claiming to have $9 billion of assets but operated from a private residence in Florida is suing an offshore insurer based on an island that purports not to license such firms. Florida-registered Growth Fund Partnership Inc. is claiming breach of contract and fraud against Nevis-registered Condor Insurance Ltd. regarding a financing deal.