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Suzanne Collins: Public Statement (Isle of Man)

Public Statement by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority regarding Suzanne Margaret Collins and her conduct as "Head of Compliance" of Corporate Options Limited, later known as Parcville Limited.

Parcville Ltd.: Public Statement (Isle of Man)

Public Statement by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority "concerning the regulatory investigation of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority in respect of Parcville Limited, formerly known as Corporate Options Limited, and the associated outcomes", including the imposition of prohibitions on Gerald Chase, Paul Chase, and Lee Murphy.

Belvedere associate Brian Weal’s latest fraud: Publicly-listed Etaireia Investments

OffshoreAlert's continuing investigation into Belvedere Management Group and its affiliates has uncovered another ongoing investment fraud, this one involving British firm Etaireia Investments Plc, whose shares are listed on the London-based ICAP Securities & Derivatives Exchange and which has raised at least £1.5 million over the last 15 months.

BUSTED: British & Irish expats who help Belvedere Group swindle investors

One day after new directors were appointed to 'ensure' that Cayman-domiciled Brighton SPC would be operated legally, the Fund illegally acquired a Gibraltar firm with bogus assets of $125 million, OffshoreAlert can reveal. The transfer allowed Belvedere and its accomplices in Britain, Dubai, Gibraltar, Spain and elsewhere to continue securities frauds involving firms listed on stock exchanges in Denmark, England and Germany.