DS Kruzin


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Russia seeks information about Delaware-domiciled London & Mercantile LLC

Article based on an application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged fraud - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Russia - that was filed at federal court int he USA on August 26, 2005. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include London & Mercantile LLC, Rosneftetrans, Factory ZhBI-5, Iletskol, Evrosib-Trading, Orenburggazstroymontazh, Firm Kymyl-Emtor, Aleksandr Usov, MI Zakytsky, VA Zayganov, DS Kruzin, IA Glinik, and VN Semenov.

Russia: London & Mercantile LLC

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Russia into London & Mercantile LLC for suspected involvement in tax fraud.