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CFTC v. Nikolai Battoo et al: Liquidators’ Response to Contempt Motion

British Virgin Islands Liquidators' Response to Contempt Motion in U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Nikolai Simon Battoo, BC Capital Group SA, BC Capital Group International Limited, a.k.a. BC Capital Group Limited, a.k.a. BC Capital Group Global; BC Capital Management LLP, and BC Capital Group Holdings SA at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

CFTC v. Nikolai Battoo et al: Contempt Motion Against BVI Liquidators

Emergency Motion to hold Hadley Chilton and John Greenwood, of Baker Tilly (BVI) Limited, as the British Virgin Islands liquidators of funds controlled by Nikolai Batto, in contempt for allegedly violating an asset-freeze order in U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission v. Nikolai Simon Battoo, BC Capital Group SA, BC Capital Group International Limited, a.k.a. BC Capital Group Limited, a.k.a. BC Capital Group Global; BC Capital Management LLP, and BC Capital Group Holdings SA at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

Offshore bank was perpetrator, not victim, claims lawsuit

A Cayman Islands-licensed bank is being sued in the United States following the collapse of an accounts receivable factoring group.Far from being a victim of the now insolvent E. S. Bankest Group, Bank Espirito Santo International Ltd. participated with it in a fraudulent scheme, it has been alleged.

Swiss bank sues Florida receivables factoring firm

A Florida receivables factoring group which is being sued for $170 million by a Cayman Islands bank is a defendant in a new action brought by a bank in Switzerland. In a lawsuit filed on August 27, 2003, EFG Private