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Insider Talking: October 5, 2006

Two corporations formed in Florida by former Nevis-based offshore financial services provider Nigel Scott Grant did not last long; OffshoreAlert has previously reported about the propensity of Bahamas Supreme Court judge Jon Isaacs to issue rulings that are favourable to suspected crooks, particularly those accused of narcotics trafficking; The All Japan Liquor Merchants Co-operative Association filed a civil lawsuit at Tokyo District Court, in Japan on August 17, 2006 against Credit Suisse, Haruo Kusakabe, who was a Vice President, Private Banking of Credit Suisse at the time of the incident at the heart of the action, and investment broker Fabio Takeshi Sunago; The liquidators of offshore stockbroker SEGOES Services Ltd. have obtained a court judgment for US$3.9 million against the firm's principal director, John Kaweske, Jr.; and Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro filed a motion at the U. S. District Court for the District of Southern New York on October 3 requesting that the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio be appointed lead plaintiff in a securities class action lawsuit filed in August against Scottish Re Group Ltd.

Insider Talking: March 6, 2006

Perhaps in an attempt to limit the negative effects of a criminal complaint and - still outstanding - arrest warrant that were issued against him for alleged investment fraud at the U. S. District Court for the District of South Carolina on March 7, 2003, British-based, Cyprus-born businessman Sendjer Shefket, 46, has started using the name ‘Sencer Sevket' in his business dealings; 2005 was a busy year for offshore-focused attorney Nigel Scott Grant, 65, in more ways than one; and Japanese victims of the Imperial Consolidated Group are finding out first-hand just how useless the United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office is when it comes to investigating and prosecuting serious fraud.