Gareth Williams

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Polaris Team

Luxembourg’s Polaris Financial Investments touts ‘success’ of Cayman ‘ancestor’ fund SPI (even though it failed amid allegations of fraud and ‘$118M+ missing’)

Insolvent Cayman Islands fund SPI, which collapsed in 2023 amid allegations of fraud and its liquidators claiming over $118 million has "disappeared", is being held out as a success in promotional material for a successor Luxembourg scheme operated by two of its former principals, Swiss asset manager Marc-André Pepin and British fund director Gareth Williams, via their Luxembourg firm Polaris Financial Investments.

Cayman’s SPI Investment Fund liquidators seek evidence from U.S. loan recipients for investigation into ‘disappearance of $118M’

The liquidators of three insolvent Cayman Islands investment funds who are investigating "the disappearance of monies" from SPI Investment Fund SPC have applied for Chapter 15 bankruptcy recognition in Florida so they can take discovery from representatives of alleged $118 million loan recipients Sinai Holdings and Prudent Group, including Dennis Klemming, Jacob Gitman, and Yulia Kislyuk.

SPI Investment Fund SPC et al: Chapter 15 Petition (Cayman Islands)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in the Cayman Islands by Andrew Morrison, David Griffin, and Iain Gow, of FTI Consulting, as the Foreign Representatives of SPI Investment Fund SPC (in Official Liquidation), and David Griffin and Yvonne Plamondon, of FTI Consulting, as the Foreign Representatives of International Portfolio Allocation Ltd. (in Official Liquidation) and International Capital Allocation Ltd. (in Official Liquidation), filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida.

Cayman Investment Funds Master SPC et al: Chapter 15 Petition (Cayman Islands)

Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in the Cayman Islands by Samuel Cole and Mitchell Mansfield, of Kroll, as the Foreign Representatives of Cayman Investment Funds Master SPC (in Official Liquidation) and Cayman Investment Funds SPC (in Official Liquidation), filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida.

Cayman funds headed by U.S.-based Dennis Klemming go into liquidation

Two Cayman Islands investment funds operated by Miami Beach-based Swedish citizen Dennis Klemming - Cayman Investment Funds Master SPC and Cayman Investment Funds SPC - have gone into liquidation after being unable to satisfy investors' redemption requests totaling nearly $50 million.
SPI Investment Fund

Swiss asset manager Marc-André Pépin accused of fraud by Cayman’s SPI Investment Fund

In a winding-up petition, Swiss investment manager Marc-André Pépin has been accused of "fraudulent misconduct and mismanagement" by Cayman Islands-domiciled SPI Investment Fund SPC, whose investors' funds have allegedly ended up in questionable arrangements with entities operated by Prudent Group, Dennis Klemming, and Jacob Gitman, all of Miami, Florida.

Prudent Investment Fund: Annual Report (2019)

Annual Report, including audited financial statements for the year ended December 31st, 2019, for Prudent Investment Fund, of Luxembourg, which includes a disclosure that the Fund's authorization to act as an investment fund had been "withdrawn" by the Luxembourg CSSF, causing auditor Mazars to state there was "significant doubt on the going concern of the Company".