Gregory Gliner

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Elena Bourlakova et al v. Steven Landau et al: Judicial Assistance (Switzerland)

Motion by Counter Defendants Loudmila Bourlakova, Elena Bourlakova, Veronica Bourlakova, and Gregory Gliner to take discovery from UBS AG in Switzerland in Elena Bourlakova and Veronica Bourlakova v. Steven Landau, Thomas Butler, Natalia Rousso, Nikolai Kazakov, Vera Kazakov, Semen Anufriev, Igor Krutoy, and Olga Kroutoia at the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit, in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA.

Gregory Gliner v. Dynadot, Inc.: Discovery Application (England)

Application by Gregory Gliner, described as "a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and United States, has worked tirelessly for years to become, and earn a reputation as, a successful and ethical businessman and entrepreneur", to take discovery from Dynadot, Inc. "for use in a lawsuit in the United Kingdom against the person(s) who operate the website and anonymously authored and/or caused to be published on an article defaming him", filed at the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.